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Anorexia nervosa is the medical term for the eating disorder that is commonly seen in young women. the disorder stems from the fact that no human being is happy with their physical image and wish to ‘fix’ the many flaws they see in them by not eating properly or by not eating at all. The person suffering from anorexia becomes obsessed with the need to look thin in order to look attractive. The mind is occupied only with thoughts of losing weight and people go to extreme measures to do so including starving themselves to the point of death in some cases.
Anorexia is considered a serious disorder not only because of the harmful effects it has on the body but also because anorexia has severe psychological repercussions. Hence medical help for anorexia must be sought immediately. If someone close to you is suffering from anorexia then you can help them treat the disorder by incorporating useful and effective home remedies in day-to-day life. Anorexia nervosa can be successfully treated at home by introducing certain foods in your daily diet.
Garlic is an appetite stimulator and is beneficial in curing anorexia by boosting cravings for food. Garlic is also an excellent choice because it can be part of daily diet and can be taken raw or cooked. It can be included in every food and also eaten raw along with fresh vegetable salads. So use garlic in the preparation of meats and soups. You can even drink garlic concoction throughout the day. Prepare the concoction by boiling handful of crushed garlic pods in water. Strain the water and drink at least two cups of this garlic infusion in a day.
Lemon is a citrus fruit and a rich source of vitamin C. Niacin or Vitamin C is considered an appetite booster and is present in large amounts in appetite stimulating tonics prepared for children who are fussy eaters. Prepare a glass of lemonade by squeezing juice of one fresh lemon in a glass of water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the glass and mix well. You can even drop in two leaves of mint in the glass for added flavor. Drink two glasses of lemon juice in a day. You can even have lemon juice when you feel tired or lethargic. Just substitute sugar for honey. Lemon can even be squeezed over the food that you have prepared to make it tastier.
Orange and Sweet Lime are excellent citrus fruits that contain good amount of vitamin C and help build a good appetite. So eat oranges and sweet lime daily or you can even prepare glass of fresh orange and lime juice to boost your appetite. Consume at least three to four oranges or sweet lime or drink at least two glasses of fruit juices every day to let the treatment work effectively.
Ginger and Rock Salt:
Ginger and rock salt are also considered appetite stimulants. Ginger also has mood-lifting chemicals that help prevent symptoms of anorexia like depression. Take a small piece of ginger and remove its peel. Crush the peel ginger and add a pinch of rock salt to it. Squeeze some amount of lemon juice over the ginger-rock salt mixture and make a paste. This paste should be had the first thing in the morning on empty stomach. Continue with the treatment for two weeks. There will be a significant increase in the appetite and you will find yourself enjoying your food more and more.
Apples, like citrus fruits, are also natural appetite stimulators and eating an apple a day certainly keeps the doctor away. Apples should be had on empty stomach first thing in the morning. The natural chemicals present in the apples will work on the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach and send signals to the brain that the body is hungry. Apples are also great source of iron and will treat the problem of anemia that many anorexics suffer from.
Vegetable soups are also believed to be good appetite stimulators and adding a pinch of black pepper and rock salt to the soups boosts the appetite further. Include plenty of vegetables for preparing the soups. If you are a non-vegetarian then having chicken soup will bolster your appetite.
Use tomatoes in preparation of various foods. Eating raw tomatoes will also help build a good appetite since tomatoes contain chemicals that stimulate the brain the center to send out signals to the body that it is hungry. Tomato soup with a pinch of black pepper is also an effective remedy for anorexia.
Prepare a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, beet root, capsicums and chicken (if you are a non-vegetarian) and sprinkle black pepper and rock salt over the veggies. You can even squeeze fresh lemon over the salad. Salad should be eaten 15 minutes before your main meal to allow the vegetables in the salad build your appetite. The time gap will also allow you make some space in the tummy for the meal.
Prepare an infusion of cloves by boiling a handful of cloves in water. Drain the water after it cools down. Drink a liter of clove water by sipping on it throughout the day. Clove water will successfully help you increase your appetite. You can even add ½ teaspoon lemon juice in the clove water.
Include spices like pepper, turmeric, coriander powder, and asafetida and cumin seeds in your food preparation. Spices are believed to stimulate the appetite centre in our brain which in turn signals to the body that it requires food. Anorexia nervosa isn’t only about not eating food and losing weight. The disorder has its roots deeper than was known earlier. People with anorexia need to be treated using medical help as well because anorexia is also about psychological disorder. Many anorexics suffer from deep-rooted fears, anxiety, loneliness, stress, tension, peer pressure and even depression. Hence anorexics require medical counseling as well. While certain foods can boost the appetite of the anorexics and make them eat well, counseling can help replace their negative thoughts and fears with healthier thoughts and get rid of their unhealthy beliefs.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.