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Foot odor can be an extremely embarrassing condition in all kinds of settings, whether social, personal, or professional. Treatment for this condition ranges from taking proper care of the feet, which is the main cause behind foot odor, to using sprays and inserts for absorbing the bad odor.
Although it is quite a disturbing condition, but the good news is that it can be treated very easily by exercising some patience and consistency.
Effective Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Odor
Foot Care
Foot odor is usually caused due to development of fungi and bacteria on the warm and wet feet kept in areas that are air-restricted, such as socks and shoes. If you too are facing the problem of foot odor, then the very first thing that you need to do is clean your feet properly on a daily basis. Though most people think that it is the sweat that causes the odor, but actually the odor is the result of bacteria which develops on the feet. Due to this, it is essential to wash the feet well using warm water and antibacterial soap, particularly in the space between your toes. After this, you should air dry your feet, especially the area between the toes. This helps in reducing moisture on the feet, thus preventing development of bacteria. In case you sweat too much during the day, it is advisable to change your socks whenever possible. Another great way of preventing too much sweating on the feet is to use antiperspirant roll-ons or sprays on the feet. Alternatively, you can also sprinkle some foot powder or simple talcum powder, or baking soda inside your socks to discourage bacterial growth and to keep the feet dry.
Inserts are another effective way of getting rid of food odor, as they help in absorbing the moisture as well as the smell arising from foul feet. Depending on how much moisture is secreted by your feet on an average daily, you may need to buy several pairs of shoes inserts that can absorb the foot odor.
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These days, inserts are available in a wide range of styles, types, and sizes. Choose the one that works for you the best and can be used with all kinds of shoes that you wear.
Few particular kinds of shoes are known to cause more foot odor in comparison to others. For instance, shoes made using synthetic material, or plastic, or boots that are excessively heavy can lead to foot odor. Therefore, it will be beneficial to wear shoes made using natural materials such as cotton and leather, which allow air to circulate freely between your shoes and feet. If you are in the habit of wearing sneakers or gym shoes, try to keep few pairs and keep rotating between them, as frequently wearing the same shoes can lead to excessive foot odor. In case any particular pair of shoes becomes bad smelling, it is important to disinfect them or discard them completely because if they have been saturated in bacteria and sweat, it would be impossible to get rid of the funky odor.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.