13 Herbal Remedies For Acne

Acne is a chronic skin disease that arises mainly at a younger age. Hormonal deficiencies, wrong types of diet, lack of hygiene etc. are the causes of acne. Acne appears on the skin of face, neck, shoulder and chest. If you do not take the proper care acne spreads from one place to another very quickly. This article will give you tips on herbal remedies of acne.


Tips To Cure Acne With Herbal Remedies


Turmeric is an effective natural medicine of acne. Turmeric has antibacterial property and it kills the bacteria that create acne. Take a piece of raw and fresh turmeric. Grind it into smooth paste. Apply the turmeric paste on your face, neck, shoulder and chest. Wait till it gets dry.

Then rub gently to remove the dry turmeric. Apply this paste on your skin everyday. It will help to cure your acne. Eating turmeric at empty stomach in the morning is very good. It keeps liver well and prevents acne. Take a small piece of turmeric and chew it. Drink a glass of water. Practice this everyday. It will make your skin glowing and will keep acne at bay.


Neem Leaves

Neem leaves are very effective for all types of skin diseases and especially for acne and pimples. Take a bunch of fresh neem leaves and boil them in a bowl of water. Strain the water and wash your face with it at least 2-3 times daily. It will soon reduce acne. Grind few fresh neem leaves and mix it with little amount of turmeric.

Apply this paste on acne and wait till it gets dry. Apply it daily and within few days you will get rid of acne. Neem leaves juice is very good for blood. It helps to purify blood and eliminate those toxic elements from blood. Take 2-3 fresh neem leaves. Chew them and then swallow. Neem leaves are extremely bitter. For this reason drink a glass of water after chew it. Do this regularly and you will get relief from acne.

Neem Leaves

Basil Leaves

Basil leaves also do wonder when it is applied on acne daily. Pluck few fresh basil leaves and crush it. Mix few drops of honey in it. Apply that on your acne. Let it dry and wash. Apply it regular on your acne. You will be benefited.



Sandalwood is a natural product that cures acne very effectively. Take 2-3 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and with the help of cold water make a smooth paste. Apply the thick paste over acne affected skin. Let it dry and then just rub gently to remove sandalwood.

It works like fragrant powder and keeps your skin dry and scented. Sandalwood has antibacterial property which heals acne very fast. You can also use raw sandalwood oil to cure acne. Take a bud and soak it in sandalwood oil. Then apply the oil on your acne with the help of it. In sandalwood paste you can also mix teaspoon turmeric paste for better result.

Sandalwood Powder

Aloevera Gel

Aloevera gel is effective and it cures acne very fast without leaving any scar marks. Take a tube of aloevera and slit it to remove the gel. Apply the gel on your skin. Apply it daily and leave it as long as possible before washing it. Use it daily and cure acne very quickly.

Aloe Vera Gel

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an effective medicine for acne. Being acidic it controls the oil secretion of skin and prevents acne. Squeeze one lemon and extract the juice. Dab one cotton in it.

Apply lemon juice on your acne and get rid of it soon. Mix chilled water with lemon juice and use it as astringent. This is appropriate for acne prone oily skin. Add lemon juice in your face mask and apply that weekly if you have acne.

Lemon Juice

Mint Juice

Mint juice is excellent to cure acne. Crush few fresh mint leaves and extract the juice. Apply it on your acne without diluting it. Use it every night before going to sleep. Within few days you will get an acne free skin. Apart from that, use mint juice while washing your face and neck. Pour few drops of mint juice in a mug of cool water. Wash your skin with this water 2-3 times daily. The antibacterial and antifungal property of mint kills acne creating bacteria and keeps your skin acne free.

Mint Juice


Cucumber is excellent natural product to cure acne. Grate one cucumber and extract the juice. Apply the juice again and again on your skin. Use cucumber pulp as face musk. You will get relief from acne.



Clove kills the acne creating bacteria very effectively. Take 2-3 cloves and grind them into powder. Mix few drops of rose water and apply them on your skin. Clove is very hot in taste for this reason it may create burning sensation on your skin. To reduce this burning sensation and to enhance the power of clove you may mix little amount of sandalwood paste or fuller’s earth with it.


Cinnamon And Honey

Cinnamon is a good medicine for acne. Crush it into powder and mix honey with it. Apply that paste on face and neck. After 15 -20 minutes wash with warm water. Regular use of this paste helps to vanish your acne and pimples.

Cinnamon And Honey

Coriander Leaves

Take some fresh coriander leaves and crush it to extract the juice. Apply that on your pimples. Acne will disappear soon. Boil some coriander seed in water and strain the water. Preserve it in refrigerator. Wash your face daily with it. You will soon get rid of acne.

Coriander Seeds


Fenugreek has antibacterial property and it cures acne very effectively. Soak some fenugreek seed overnight in water. Next morning make a smooth paste of it and apply it directly on acne. Wait for an hour. It will help to cure acne very quickly because fenugreek has antibacterial and antifungal property.

Fenugreek Seeds


Garlic reduces acne very effectively. Take a fresh clove of garlic. Grind it into paste. Apply the paste on acne. The antibacterial quality of garlic cures acne very soon.

So there is nothing to worry. There are various herbal treatments of acne. Drink adequate water and follow those tips to get rid of acne. You can be your own doctor.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.