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Arthritis is a very painful and debilitating disease. This disease is classified as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. It involves the joints and also affects the cartilage, tendons, muscles and ligaments in the joint. Bone spurs develop in the area of the joint and cause stiffness and deformity.
The movement of the joint too becomes limited and there is excruciating pain at every attempt to move the joint. Arthritis usually affects the wrists, fingers, knees, spine and hips. This disease is usually associated with age and a compromised immune system. As age advances, the cartilage that cushions the joint and which absorbs the friction of movement, becomes damaged due to wear and tear.
It leaves the bones of the joint uncovered and in the absence of this protective covering, the bones rub against each other when movement takes place. This results in severe pain. In the instance of a compromised immune system, the immune system itself causes damage to the cell lining inside the joint.
5 Best Herbal Remedies For Arthritis Pain
This herb has been used since centuries in ayurvedic medicine for its powerful healing and curative powers. It has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cleansing and blood purifying properties which are very beneficial for arthritis.
They remove all the harmful toxins from the body, correct the function of the immune system and reduce the inflammation and pain. Add two teaspoons of ajwain powder to two teaspoons of hot ghee. Mix some sugar and eat this mixture every morning on a regular basis. Your pain will reduce considerably and the stiffness will abate gradually.
Stinging Nettle
This herb is full of valuable minerals and vitamins which provide vital strength to the joint. Its anti-inflammatory properties relieve the pain and swelling. Drink an infusion of nettle leaves two or three times daily.
Guava Leaves
Drinking tea made with guava leaves will not only reduce the inflammation but will also alleviate the pain and stiffness. The leaves are over rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which detoxify the body, stimulate circulation and protect the tendons, muscles, cartilage and ligaments from further damage.
Take seven tender guava leaves and wash them well. Put to boil half a liter of water and add the leaves to it. Simmer for fifteen minutes. Then strain the tea and drink three to four cups daily.
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Burdock Root
Burdock root is full of essential fatty acids that bring tremendous relief in the pain and inflammation. These fatty acids are also powerful antioxidants which remove all the harmful impurities and the toxins from the body and reduce oxidative stress.
Put to boil half a liter of water. Add two teaspoons of dried burdock root powder to it and simmer for ten minutes. Then filter the tea and drink it while it is still hot. Drink three to four cups of this tea daily.
Pound a piece of licorice root and boil it in a glass of water for three minutes. After five minutes strain the tea and drink two cups of it daily. The healing properties of licorice will provide great relief in the swelling and pain.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.