7 Herbal Remedies For Chilblains


Strangely not everyone develops chilblains on exposure to cold. Chilblains usually afflicts children and aged people. Also in the high-risk category are people who smoke and those who already suffer from blood vessel disorders like Lupus and Raynaud’s disease.

The extent of the disease can vary. In mild cases people recover in a couple of weeks; in extreme cases where the lumps develop into blisters recovery can take around 5 months. Chilblains are known to recur so those in the susceptible category need to take extra precaution when going out in the cold. While a visit to the physician is definitely recommended, one can also consider these herbal remedies:

7 Best Herbal Remedies For Chilblains

Black Peppercorns

Black peppercorns come handy in mild cases of chilblains, that is in those cases where the skin is not broken or bruised. You can make your own blood circulation-enhancing oil using the peppercorns.

Powder the peppercorns. Boil a tablespoon of mustard oil or sesame seed oil and fry the peppercorn powder in this oil. Filter the oil and gently massage the warm oil on the area affected with chilblains.


Potato has anti-irritating and soothing properties. Slice a potato and apply a little salt over it. Rub it gently over the affected area.

The itching will reduce and also the redness. As an alternative you can boil slices of potatoes in water. Allow the decoction to cool a little. Soak the affected area in the decoction.


You can combat the itching with onion juice. The juice of the onion has soothing properties.

Cut an onion and rub gently over the affected portion. Do this twice a day. Onion is also a blood circulation enhancer.


Turnips have a host of health benefits. They are natural painkillers, they heal wounds, combat infection, reduce inflammation among other things.

 Grate some turnips and apply the paste over the affected area. Alternatively you can make a decoction of turnips by boiling finely grated turnips in water. Dip the affected area in the warm decoction.


Cayenne is known to enhance blood circulation. If the chilblain-affected area does not have any cuts you could apply cayenne oil over the portion.

Alternatively you could also apply cayenne powder.


Lemon juice has anti-bacterial and astringent properties and therefore combats infection and promotes healing.

Rubbing the affected area with lemon halves also helps. Lemon juice also enhances blood circulation.

Other Herbal Remedies For Chilblains

Chilblains can also be treated with oils like eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and lavender. Application of aloe vera gel, grated ginger, garlic oil, crushed chickweed are other alternatives.

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