9 Herbal Remedies For Cholesterol


High levels of cholesterol especially LDL or the “bad cholesterol” increases the risk of coronary diseases. Cholesterol is mostly associated with a faulty lifestyle. It becomes really difficult to control cholesterol level once the level crosses the permitted threshold. Herbs must be your first choice to bring down cholesterol levels and prevent them from soaring again.

9 Herbal Remedies For Cholesterol


Alfalfa is a herb that belongs to the Pea family (Legumniosae). The scientific name for Alfalfa is Medicago sativa. The leaves of this herb have medicinal properties and are used to treat a broad spectrum of diseases. The Alfalfa leaves contain chemicals called saponins which help in lowering the cholesterol by interfering in their absorption in the intestines.

Alfalfa does not hamper the levels of HDL or the “good cholesterol” at all and thus is really beneficial for those wanting to lower the cholesterol level in the blood stream. Fresh leaves or sprouts can be used to prepare salads. You can also make a herbal tea with the fresh or dried form. Alfalfa is also available in capsule form.


The scientific name for this herb is Cynara scolymus. Artichoke is a member of the Sunflower family. Studies conducted on patients have shown that regular usage of this herb can lower cholesterol levels by 18% in just one month! Two important chemicals named cybarin and luteolin are responsible for Artichoke’s cholesterol-fighting properties.

Cybarin enhances bile production in the body and speeds up the process of removal of excess cholesterol from the body though feces. Luteolin, on the other hand, reduces the level of the bad cholesterol in the body. Artichokes can be eaten fresh or cooked. You may also purchase the powdered form of the herb and use it to make herbal tea. Extracts, tinctures and capsules are also available.


Guggul is a really effective herb that fights against cholesterol. Guggul is an immensely popular Ayurvedic herb. Scientifically, this herb is known as Commiphora mukul. You need to purchase the derivative form of the herb which is known as Guggulipid. Guggulipid is extracted from the resin go this herb.

This derivative contains a strong chemical called guggulsterone which eliminated LDL from the body thereby helping in decreasing the cholesterol level. The herb reduces triglycerides and normalized blood pressure too. You will find the derivative in powder and extract form at Ayurvedic stores.

Also Read

Top 14 Foods That Control Cholesterol
Herbal Remedies For Lowering Cholesterol
Home Remedies To Lower Cholesterol
Home Remedies For Cholesterol


Bilberry is also known as Huckleberry. The scientific name for bilberry is Vaccinium myrtillus and the herb belongs to the Heath family. The ripe fruit of the herb is popular for its medicinal properties but the leaves can be used too. Bilberry controls the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Chemicals known as Anthocynasides are present in the herb which restore the health of the blood vessels and prevent heart diseases. It also protects the heart against over-exertion in case of strenuous exercises or heavy work. If you have fresh bilberry berries you can add the crushed berries to water and make a tasty drink. Bilberry can be used to make a delicious herbal tea as well.


Cacao is scientifically called Theobroma cacao. Cacao is used to prepare chocolate.The herb contains oleic acid that increases the HDL in the blood stream. HDL is good for the body. The stearic acid present in the herb controls the levels of the bad LDL.

Thus cacao is an excellent choice for keeping cholesterol in check. You must use the cacao beans to ensure that you get the maximum health benefits (simply munching on chocolate won’t do!). Cacao is bitter and can be added to some warm water to prepare a decoction; you may add a bit of honey to make the drink palatable.


Motherwort or lion’s ear belongs to the Mint family. This herb has been a part of both Chinese and Western traditional medicines. Motherwort strengthens the heart and purifies the blood. It regulates the circulatory system and removes cholesterol (LDL) from the body with the help of bitter chemicals named leonirine and stachydrine.

It is best taken in tea form. The tea is really bitter but the bitterness can be tamed using some spices like cinnamon. You may also purchase the tincture or the capsule form of the herb.


Psyllium is a very useful herb and is effective against a number of health maladies. Research has shown that the seed and the husks from the seed of this herb can effectively reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

It also reduces the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines by combining with the dietary cholesterol. Thus the intake of cholesterol is also kept in check. You can purchase the dried and powdered form of the seed. Mix 1 teaspoon of the powder to 180ml of water. You can add the powder to your juices as well.


In scientific terms, Hawthorn is called Crataegus monogyna. Hawthorn is a member of the Rose family. Hawthorn berries are really good for the health of the heart. Laboratory experiments on mice have determined that this particular herb is very powerful and removes LDL from the blood. Regular usage of the herb reduces the production of the cholesterol in the body.

Tinctures are most effective. You may also prepare a Hawthorn tonic using the berries. Prepare a concentrated Hawthorn berry decoction (using berries and water). Take 1 cup of the decoction and 1 ½ cups of pure honey. Mix this well and store in a bottle. Intake 1 tablespoon of this berry-honey mixture after each meal.


Jiaogulan is a traditional Chinese herb that is still used to treat some health problems. It belongs to the gourd family. Botanically, Jiaogulan is known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum. The leaves of this herb reduces the absorption of cholesterol by the body. It eliminates excess cholesterol from the blood stream by increasing fat metabolism and excretion.

It also has anti-oxidant properties that promote the health of the heart. It normalizes blood pressure and blood-sugar levels as well. You need to purchase the powdered form from any Asian medicine store or online store. In 1 cup of hot water, add 1 teaspoon of the powder. Keep it covered for 5 minutes. Drink this tea at least 3 times a day.

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