5 Herbal Remedies For Freckles


Pigment cells called melanin impart colour to the skin. Absence of melanin makes the skin white and even prone to skin cancer. But the presence of discreet melanin can be a cause for embarrassment too. Clusters of melanin on the face and other places on the body are one such thing and are known as freckles. It gives an ugly look and are more prominent on people with fair complexion.

The malady is aggravated with exposure to sunlight because the ultraviolate rays from sun increases the production of melanin making the freckles brighter and more pronounced.

Freckles are mostly found on the face and that makes them a cosmetic disaster. However, these are sometimes found on shoulders and other exposed parts of the body as well.

However, freckles are innocuous in nature and does not cause harm. But the cosmetic dimension of the malady makes it a perfect case for subjecting yourself to various treatment options. Treatment options for freckles include bleaching, lightening, cryosurgery, laser treatment or chemical peels. But most of these are either very expensive or have side effects. There are some herbs that are quite helpful in removing or lightening freckles. Let us look at some of these.

5 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Freckles


It has been seen that eggplant can be quite helpful in removing freckles. Both eating and applying eggplant will serve the purpose. Take a fresh eggplant and cut it into thick rounds.

Now rub one of these rounds on the affected areas. With regular application you will notice improvement within a week. The spots will become lighter and lighter. With prolonged use the spots will fade slowly.


Horseradish juice has the capacity to lighten the dark spots if applied on the spots on a regular basis. If you mix it with some lemon juice which is itself a very good scrubbing and bleaching agent, you can multiply the effect of the herb.

So grate some horseradish finely, mix it with some lemon juice and apply the mixture on the face regularly. Positive changes can be seen within 10 days.


Onion has many a medicinal properties and one of these is that it can lighten skin spots including freckles. It has a bleaching action.

For this extract some juice from an onion and apply that on the face. With regular application onion will bring down the prominence of your freckles markedly.

Drumstick Pod

It has been found that pots of drumstick are a great healer of moles and freckles. Take out some pods from one drumstick and make a paste with these. Add some lemon juice to it to increase its potency.

Now apply the mixture on the freckles. With regular use the freckles will die down slowly and fade away.


pomegranate peel can work wonders for your freckles. It is also quite easily done and inexpensive.

For this peel some pomegranate and rub the peel against your freckles. Adding some lemon juice to it will increase its potency. With regular use you can remove freckle over a period of time.

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