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If you often suffer from this problem and want to get rid of it, then you would like to consider the list of herbal remedies that we are providing here. These remedies will not only cure the problem but in some cases will even prevent the problem from occurring later. However, it’s strongly advised that you consult your doctor before adopting any of the following treatments.
Irish moss, scientifically known as Chondruscrispus, is red algae which are found in the coastal areas of Atlantic Ocean of Europe and North America.
It contains carrageenan, a significant polysaccharide that consists of thick mucilage which helps in curing digestive ailments. This Irish moss is also efficient in treating acid reflux and heartburn.
A renowned member of the mint family of herbs, lemon balm is known for its calming properties. It is effective in treating various distressful conditions such as stomach gas, indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, colic etc.
It also helps in improving one’s appetite besides curing the digestive problems. To cure the problem of heartburn using lemon balm, all you need to do is consume 300-500 mg of lemon balm capsules on a daily basis three times a day after meals.
Ginger contains pungent phenols, Shogaols and Gingerols that help it in producing a calming and soothing effect on the digestive system. This effect of ginger makes it efficient in treating common digestive disorders such as indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn. It decreases the acidity in stomach and thus prevents acid reflux in the mouth.
It instigates the production and secretion of saliva inside the mouth and oesophagus which provides a soothing effect and helps get rid of heartburn. It’s not to be consumed by children less than two years of age and also by the people who have gallstones. Others can take it in the form of juice or tea, a dose of 2 to 4 grams a day. Even though garlic is sold as a substituent for ginger in the US, it’s not verified if it will have the same effect as ginger.
Scientifically called Anethumgraveolin, dill contains a high concentration of Anethole, a significant essential oil. It acts like an anti-microbial and helps in smooth digestion. The smooth digestion process ensures that the stomach doesn’t produce excess acid and the person doesn’t have to bear heartburn and acid reflux. It is also recommended for newly-turned mothers who breastfeed their children.
Best Foods To Treat Heartburn
Find Some Useful Home Remedies For Heartburn
Natural Cures For Heartburn
Natural Foods That Cure Heartburn
Chamomile is surely one of the most excellent herbal home remedies for treating the problem of acid reflux and heartburn. It is being recommended strongly by various herbalists to treat digestive disorders such as indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, gastritis, colic and motion sickness.
Chamomile is anti-spasmodic in nature and contains active ingredients which ensure a smooth digestion and prevent inflammation in the intestines while digestion of food takes place. It’s component azulene works efficiently on heartburn as it reduces the burning sensation and is anti-microbial so acts wonderfully on the bacteria in the gastro intestinal tract.
Herbalists often recommend slippery elm bark to all those who suffer gravely from the painful and uncomfortable digestive problems and also problems in the respiratory system. It’s slippery and thick mucilage forms a protective cover on the digestive tract and thus prevents the person from feeling the burning sensation of gastric acid, hydrochloric acid.
It acts like saliva and forms protective layer over the oesophagus thus the person is unable to feel any of the burning sensation that is caused by heartburn. But make sure you consult a specialist to regulate the dosage before you begin with self-treatment.
Fennel, scientifically known as Foeniculumvulgare, is commonly used by many chefs while cooking and preparing salads as this herb has a unique aroma which is pleasant to the noses and arouses the appetite. It has appealing yellow flowers that look like umbrellas and grow in groups.
Fennel seeds are chewed in many communities after meals as these seeds not only relieve the stomach gas but also prevent the feeling of heartburn. It does so by monitoring acid production and making sure that excessive acid isn’t produced thus controlling acid reflux. Because of its aforementioned traits, it is often used in the preparation of antacids.
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