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Nausea is a queasy or uncomfortable sensation in the stomach, which could result in vomiting. A person can experience nausea while in a moving motor vehicle or due to anxiety or indigestion. Women usually experience it during pregnancy. Nausea could also be a sign of an underlying illness like infection, brain tumor, head injury or poisoning.
Nausea along with chest pain, breathlessness and cold sweats can be a sign of heart attack. Violent projectile vomiting is also considered as an emergency. The mild form of nausea could be treated with herbal remedies. However, it is suggested to consult a medical doctor before consuming any herbal medicine, especially if you are nursing or pregnant.
Herbal Remedies For Nausea
This perennial herb is cultivated all over the world and traditional healers make use of the underground stem or rhizome to treat indigestion, stomach problems and nausea. The authors of ‘Medicinal Plants of the World’, Michael Wink (biologist) and botanist Ben-Erik claim that ginger controls travel sickness and postoperative nausea as well.
Also, Steven Foster and Dr. Linda B has advised in their book (Herbal Drugstore) to use capsules, tincture or ginger tea to treat morning sickness as well as nausea caused due to chemotherapy. Ginger also has an effect on organs like liver. It helps in stimulating the organ, which results in the production of more bile and this helps in digesting fat.
With increased production of bile, the rate of digesting fat is also increased. Hence, ginger is quite beneficial in people, who tend to eat more. However, you need to consult your physician before self-treating. It is better to avoid this herb in case you have problems related to the gallbladder or you are on blood-thinning medication.
Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita)
This traditional remedy is used to treat anxiety, gastrointestinal problems and motion sickness. If you feel bloated or queasy after eating, then indigestion or gas may be the reason and drinking chamomile tea can ease digestion, relieve nausea and expel gas.
Chamomile tincture or tea is also recommended for nervous disorders, as it triggers nausea. However, this herb must not be used by those, who are allergic to the plants from the aster family.
Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)
This is an aromatic herb, which is used in herbal medicine and cooking as well. The leaves of this plant are a rich source of volatile oils, which relax the stomach, ease cramping and relieve nausea. David Hoffman, the clinical herbalist suggests using peppermint to ease tension and anxiety, which are the two most common reasons for nausea.
The herb will also help suppress nausea caused due to colds and headaches. It can be taken as tinctures, lozenges or tea. It is best to avoid this herb, if you have heartburn or reflux problems.
This herb could be used by people, when the peppermint and ginger supplements have no effect on them and also if pregnancy is not the reason for the nausea. This herb is taken as pills or as herbal tea. It soothes the liver and stomach and the digestive secretions are improved by this herb.
It is a good remedy for nausea. Prepare chamomile tea and add a drop or two of clove oil to it or sprinkle powdered cloves on food that you consume.
Herbal Blend
Another excellent blend that treats nausea includes rosehips, yellowroot, Goldenseal, catnip and milk thistle seed.
American Ginseng
The antiemetic properties of American ginseng are helpful in treating nausea. Various studies have shown its ability to prevent vomiting and nausea.
This remedy is used traditionally to treat nausea, vomiting and stomach upset. The lavender perfume can suppress the queasiness.
Aloe Vera
When children are affected by nausea, they also complain about burning sensation, which is common during a stomach ache that accompanies nausea. In such cases, Aloe Vera juice will help in resolving and clearing the stomachache.
However before buying, ensure that the juice is a food-grade product. A tablespoon of the juice diluted in 6 ounces of water is the recommended dosage for children. It must be given three times a day as an internal treatment. However, it is suggested to use the juice in small quantity or sparingly. This is because it is a strong cathartic and might induce unwanted vomiting.
Also Read
Effective Home Remedies For Nausea
Home Remedies For Nausea
Natural Cure For Nausea
Green Clay
Fluctuating acid levels may be one of the reasons for stomach upset in children and green clay can be of great help in this case. It will neutralize the acidic stomach. The herbal concoction is made by combining spring water (1 cup) and green clay (1 tsp).
This is a great herbal supplement that is quite beneficial for children. The mixture must be consumed immediately after its preparation. The best method is to allow the concoction to stand overnight, so that the clay settles down completely and the child can drink the strained mixture in the morning. The dosage is repeated as and when nausea returns.
Anise and Fennel Seeds
If stomachaches are accompanied by physical symptoms like excess production of gas then it can be cured with the help of a brew, which is made by blending anise and fennel seeds along with some thyme and peppermint. A single dosage of this herbal brew can be given to children as and when required.
Umeboshi Plum
An upset or acidic stomach can be soothed by using the herbal paste of umeboshi plum. About 1/8th tsp of this paste can be given once every 30 minutes or an hour during the treatment. You can also mix the paste in an herbal recipe with kudzu root and some ginger infusions.
Angelica Root Tea
The thick and long roots of this queenly, tall herb are used in the herbal medications. Although soothing, Angelica tea is bitter and this bitterness is what makes this herb an excellent remedy for various ailments including nausea. You can include cinnamon, anise, ginger and raw honey to the tea, which gives instant relief.
Raspberry Leaf
A high content of tannin in the raspberry leaf makes this herb quite effective in relieving nausea. A strong raspberry leaf tea in the dosage of two ounces per twenty pounds of the body mass can be given 2 times every day or the dried leaves can be powdered and sprinkled on the food (1 tsp for twenty pounds of body mass). You can add ginger to the concoction as it is quite effective for nausea.
Basil Leaf
To treat vomiting and stomach upset, you can mix 1 tsp of fresh basil leaf juice along with a teaspoon of organic honey. Also, you can eat fresh leaves of this herb as well.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.