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12 Home Remedies For Baldness


Baldness or alopecia can affect both men and women.  Though baldness does not cause any medical problems, yet it can cause immense psychological and emotional problems, especially when you suffer from baldness at a young age. It steals away your beauty and you can look older than your actual age.

Baldness or thinning of hair is caused due to various reasons. Genetics, hormonal imbalance, alopecia areata (which is an auto immune disease), diet, drug interaction, stress, prolonged disease and pollution can cause baldness. Male baldness is much severe and usually hereditary. They can develop bald patches in any part of the head and can even have completely hair less scalp. In women, baldness manifests in the form of thinning hair. Today, various cosmetics and medical treatments are available for treating baldness, but there are a couple of home remedies that have given promising results to many men and women without leaving any side effects. The ingredients are completely natural and easily available in our homes. Here are the most effective ones.

12 Best Home Remedies For Baldness

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla is considered a great hair tonic for re-growing hair. Boil few dry pieces of Amla in coconut oil, cool and apply thoroughly on the scalp.  You can also prepare shampoo by mixing 100gm each of extracts of amla, shikakai and reetha after boiling them in 2 liters of water.

Regular use of this shampoo will stimulate hair growth. Mixing lime juice with amla juice can also help to enhance hair growth.

Coconut Milk

Apply coconut milk thoroughly all over the scalp and massage the hair roots. It will nourish the hair and prevent hair from falling. Prepare coconut milk after grinding coconut and adding some water. Apply after straining.

Onion And Honey

Using onion on bald patches can stimulate hair growth. Rub onion on the affected part every morning and evening till the area turns red. Apply small amounts of honey on the reddened area and rub.

Honey And Egg Yolk

Honey contains great antioxidant properties and can be used to treat baldness and thinning of hair after combining with other ingredients. Add honey in an egg yolk and coat the entire scalp with this mixture.  Leave the mixture on your hair for 40 minutes and wash off thoroughly.

Olive Oil And Honey

Olive oil is considered great hair fall remedy because of the stimulating enzymes it contains.  When combined with other stimulating agents, it recharges the hair follicles and stops hair loss. Combine 2 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon powder with hot olive oil.  Apply on the scalp and wait for 15 minutes.

Wash off and shampoo your hair as usual with a mild shampoo to arrest hair fall and baldness.

Olive Oil And Coriander

Mix olive oil with coriander leaves paste and apply the paste to stop hair fall. When your hair is falling at an alarming rate combine 2tbsp. olive oil with juice of a lemon and an egg yolk. Blend properly and apply the mixture and massage thoroughly in the roots of the hair and scalp. Leave for half an hour and wash off as usual.

Olive Oil And Cumin Powder

Another great combination that can treat baldness and thinning of hair is a mixture of olive oil and cumin powder. Combine half-cup of olive oil and 1tbsp cumin powder; mix well and rub the paste on the entire scalp. Wait for twenty minutes and wash.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has been found effective in treating baldness. Apply castor oil overnight on your hair roots and scalp thoroughly. Massage for 10 minutes. Regular application of castor oil for 15 days can help in re-growth of hair.

Lettuce And Spinach

Drinking a combination of spinach and lettuce juice daily can stop hair loss and baldness. Carrot and lettuce juice are equally useful for promoting hair growth. Drink 2-3 times a day to get good results.

Fenugreek Seeds

When hair loss is due to hormonal imbalance or infection, apply fenugreek seed paste after soaking 2 tbsp fenugreek seed overnight and making a fine paste using a grinder. Regular application for 10-15 days will restore hair growth.

Coriander Leaves

Make a smooth paste out of fresh coriander leaves and apply on the hair roots and scalp. This juice is very beneficial for promoting hair growth.

Rubbing The Scalp

After washing your hair with cold water, rub your scalp vigorously using your fingers until it generates heat. This process will help to activate sebaceous glands, increase blood circulation and promote hair growth.

When you are losing hair rapidly, there may be lack of nutrients in your diet. Eat a healthy well balanced diet that can provide all the essential nutrients.  Your diet must contain seeds, nuts, grains and lot of fruits and vegetables.

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