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13 Home Remedies For Cellulite


Cellulite is characterized by bulging, pitted, wrinkled and dimpled skin that makes its appearance on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks and the arms. It is more common in women than in men because women tend to accumulate more fat in their bodies as compared to men. The skin tends to feel tight and sags.

It has become the bane of a woman’s existence making it difficult for her to proudly show off her body or wear the clothes that she wants. The main contributing factors towards cellulite are obesity, stress, smoking, pregnancy, massage and lack of exercise. There is no permanent solution for reduction of cellulite but with the help of simple home remedies, you can alleviate the problem.

Home Remedies For Treating Cellulite

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has properties that help the cellulite to melt. Take a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and dissolve them in water. You can add some honey to reduce the sourness of the water. Now drink this water. Have a glass of this solution once every day.

Apple Cider Vinegar Massage

You can also massage the affected areas of the skin with apple cider vinegar. Mix 3 parts of the apple cider vinegar in one part of your favourite massage oil and massage this oil into the dimpled and pitted areas of your skin. With time, the skin should look considerably even and soft.

Take Some Exercise

Cellulite is nothing but the extra deposits of fat in the body.  One way of reducing this is to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes sensible eating and regular exercise. Take up some form of exercise that you enjoy and that enables you to burn the excess calories.

You can run, jog swim or take up aerobics, which make your heart pump and help you to burn excess calories. Try to life weights 2-3 times a week as these speed up weight loss and helps you to shed the extra pounds. A regular exercise programme done consistently with sound eating habits will make you see very quick results. Your skin with time will be less stretchy, wrinkly and dimpled and will look more supple and toned.

Eat A Low Fat, Balanced Diet

One of the best home remedies that you can benefit from is to start eating healthy foods made at home. Ban junk food from your diet and do not keep fatty and processed foods in your kitchen. These contribute towards weight gain and may actually exacerbate your problem of cellulite. Stick to healthier versions of fat like almonds, walnuts and flaxseeds. Take complex carbs like oats and whole grains, which have a low glycemic index. Stick to lean protein like fish and chicken, which promote satiety and also give you good quality protein. The benefits of a good diet outweigh any other home remedy tip that you can follow.

Eat Soy

Foods rich in soy are said to increase metabolism and dissolve the stubborn fat cells that are found in cellulite. Make sure you have at least 1-2 servings of soy products everyday for best results.


Make sure you cut down on your intake of salt as salt leads to a lot of water retention in the body. Excess water retention will eventually make you look more rotund and enhance the appearance of cellulite in the body.

Coffee And Sugar Scrub

Another home remedy that helps to metabolize fat and enhances blood circulation to the rest of the body is a coffee and sugar scrub. Take some coffee granules, around ½ a cup and mix them well in 1/4th cup of granulated brown sugar. First start by massaging your skin well with olive oil. Once the olive oil has absorbed in the skin, take the coffee, sugar scrub, and gently scrub your skin with this mixture in small, circular motions. Do this for at least 20 minutes and then gradually rub off the scrub from your skin.

Baby Oil

Rub some baby oil all over your infant’s skin. Baby oil is very gentle and effective on the skin and helps the skin to look even with the presence of cellulite. Use baby oil liberally and as often as you can.

Buff Your Skin

There are special buff brushes, which you can use to exfoliate and cleanse your skin. Use this special buff brush especially after you take a shower. Buff and scrub your skin. The massage and the scrub together work to make your skin really soft.

The Herb Gotu Kola

The herb gotu kola is said to be an effective home remedy and a natural remedy against the treatment of cellulite. It is said to produce substances that help to strengthen the collagen fibres in the body. Even the skin tone and the firmness of the skin are enhanced with the use of this special herb. Take it in the form of a supplement or a massage cream.

Also Read

Home Remedies For Cellulite Removal
The Seven Excellent Home Remedies For Cellulite
7 Natural Methods To Lose Belly Fat

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is said to improve the elasticity of collagen and reduces the rate at which it may break or tear. Circulation in the legs is said to improve which means lesser deposits of fatty substances in the body. The grape seed extract also contains anti-oxidants, which improves the tone of the skin.

Juniper Essential Oil

Massage some juniper essential oil on your skin. It sucks out the extra moisture from your skin and reduces water retention thus preventing your skin from looking too puffy.


If you are trying to lose weight and get rid of the excess cellulite, try having dandelion root. The dandelion root helps to reduce moisture from the body and acts as a diuretic. You will of course have to also reduce your intake of tea, coffee and other substances which cause puffiness and swelling in the body.

With the help of these simple home remedies, you will be able to marginally get rid of cellulite in the body. Follow the above home remedies along with diet and exercise for it to work effectively. In case you do not see an improvement, visit a doctor.

View Comments

  • Baby oil is a petroleum by-product, made from crude oil. Very unhealthy for us. There are natural and safe alternatives, like olive oil, almond or apricot oil, or even avocado oil. Just sayin. You guys are awesome though!

  • I regularly go to gym and follow healthy fruit diet but I cannot find the cellulite going anywhere!! I decided to give DermalMD Cellulite Cream a try and cutting long story short - It totally worked.

  • Well, if it doesn't do that well with home remedies, you can also go for another option like products. One of them would be Cellmaxa. Its a Solvaderm product which is quickly absorbed when rubbed to affected areas. More information on it can be collected from Solvaderm's official website.

  • I have yet to find an cellulite product that works as well as DermalMD Cellulite Serum. Weight gain due to pregnancy gave my quite the cellulite treatment, and I felt ugly. I started using dermalmd cellulite serum, and within a few days started noticing a bit of change. Less dimpling, less varicose veins, and smoother, softer skin. The lotion warms so you feel it working, and feels great as I massage into my problem areas. I highly recommend dermalmd cellulite serum to rid your thighs and buttocks from cellulite.

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