7 Home Remedies For Growing Hair Faster

Growing Hair Faster

Long hairs look extremely beautiful. It is also said that your beauty is incomplete without long and bouncy locks of hair. These days, girls are spending lot of money on treatments and therapies for getting long hairs. But, there are various homemade remedies which help in overall growth of hair.

Without any worry, you can take care of your precious hairs at home also. Here are some simple and effective home remedies for growing hair faster that too without any side effect.

7 Remedies For Growing Hair Faster

Hot Oil Massage

Hot oil massage is always considered to be very effective for fast hair growth. It nourishes your hair and helps in blood circulation.

Hot Oil Massage

You can use coconut, olive, rosemary and almond oil for massage. You are advised to massage your hairs for 10-15 minutes. After completing massage, leave oil for half an hour. This massage therapy is useful in controlling hair fall and dandruff flakes also.


Onion is also highly effective home remedy for growing hair faster. It is helpful in regeneration of hair follicles. For this remedy, take one small size onion, 3 garlic cloves and one cinnamon stick. Boil this mixture for at least 15 minutes.


Strain the prepared mixture and use this water on your hairs. Repeat this process daily for one week. This will surely accelerate your hair growth. Besides this, you can also mix onion juice with your shampoo.

Good Diet

Most important of all, for long and healthy hairs add nutrition in your meal. In order to get long hairs, take carrots, yogurt, sprouts, spinach, broccoli, fruits, whole grains and other protein rich food items.

Good Diet

Don’t skip food as your hair needs complete and proper diet. Additionally, drink adequate amount of water daily. Also, consume fish and mutton as these are good source of proteins.


Potato is another great natural remedy for hair growth. To prepare this effective remedy, mix potato juice, one egg yolk and one teaspoon of honey. Apply this paste on your hairs and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash off your hairs with warm water.


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Deep Conditioning

Conditioning is very important for overall growth of hair. It also prevents hair breakage. There are number of ways for conditioning. Egg is considered best for providing deep conditioning. Apply egg yolk on hairs for at least half an hour. Egg offers nourishment to hairs and helps in growing them long.

Deep Conditioning


Trimming is necessary for removing split ends. These split ends prevent hair growth. Trim your hair once in every two months. Furthermore, use wide tooth brush to comb your hairs.


Expert says that combing regularly in morning and evening improves blood circulation and contributes to hair growth. Avoid using comb when your hairs are wet. It has been experienced that wet hairs can break easily.

Oil Mix

Mix one teaspoon of lavender oil, one teaspoon of rosemary and one spoon of cedar oil. Gently massage your hair with this mixture. Soak a towel in warm water then wrap it around your hairs. This will enhance the absorption of oil by hair sculp. This is one of the oldest home remedies which help in growing hairs long and shinny.

Oil Mix

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.