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9 Home Remedies For Hyperhidrosis


Hyperhidrosis is the term generally used for profuse sweating of the armpits, face, feet and other areas where the sweat glands are more concentrated. Whilst the condition can be medical as well when there are hormone problems, sometimes people just sweat excessively for no reason.

Hyperhidrosis can be extremely traumatic as the person will go through bouts of depression and the inability to socialize and develop personal relationships can lead to lack of confidence and  work adversely in their life. Try these simple home remedies if you are troubled by Hyperhidrosis and want to get out of the condition without having to spend on expensive treatments.

Home Remedies for Hyperhidrosis

1. Cornstarch

This is a simple method that can be employed as and when you feel that you are starting to sweat profusely. Carry a bottle of cornstarch powder, which can be lightly perfumed with a talcum powder as well and apply the cornstarch on the areas that sweat profusely. You might want to use a tissue paper first to remove the sweat that is present before doing this. This will prevent clumping of the cornstarch powder upon application. The best way to do it is to first dust the area with cornstarch and wait for a few minutes until it dries. Then apply another coat of cornstarch powder above it to seal the area. For the feet, apply generous amounts of cornstarch powder on the sole.

2. Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil that is derived from the melaleuca tree is an excellent astringent and anti fungal agent. Most people with Hyperhidrosis develop fungal infection as a result of the perpetual moisture on the skin surface. Tea tree oil not only works by drying the skin off the sweat, but also helps in treating the fungal infections on the skin, making it a dual treatment method favored by people suffering from Hyperhidrosis. The oil is very strong and must be applied on the skin only after diluting with water. Apply a thin coat of tea tree oil on the area like armpits, back of the neck, feet, face, groin area, under the breast, inner elbows and behind the knee. Allow the oil to dry out and reapply as needed.

3. Sage Tea

Sage tea has a drying effect on the body and is generally recommended by physicians all over the world for treating Hyperhidrosis. Take fresh sage leaves and add to one cup of boiling water. Let it steep for fifteen minutes. Cool the tea and use a cotton ball for applying on the areas that you have a problem. Do this at least thrice a day. The tea can be bottled and carried along with you for maximum protection. For sweaty feet, dried sage powder or dry leaves can be inserted inside the shoes or under the socks for best results.

4. Baking Soda

Due to its excellent sweat absorbing properties, baking soda is commonly used as a preventive and also for treating Hyperhidrosis. Take the powder and dust under your arms and in areas where you sweat. A coat can be left inside the shoes as well. Baking soda can also be mixed with cornstarch to get a more potent drying remedy for Hyperhidrosis. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and cornstarch and store in a bottle that you can carry along.

5. Potato Slices

Slices of potato are great for absorbing water and this property of the vegetable can be used for controlling sweat as well. Potato slices are most effective on areas where you can quickly reach like the armpits, neck, inside of the elbows etc. Rub the slice over the sweat to absorb and dry the area readily. For combining two remedies, after rubbing potato slices and drying the area, apply cornstarch or baking powder or a mixture of both as mentioned above.

6. Black Tea

Black tea is a good remedy for reducing Hyperhidrosis and blocking the pores so that you sweat less. The tannin which is present in the tea is an astringent of sorts and when you soak your legs or body in the tea, the tannin works on the skin surface and prevents the sweat from seeping through the skin. Tannin also cools the body and this works well on the body in reducing the actual sweating. Another good way to use tea is to refrigerate the used tea bags after moistening it. Use this tea bag for rubbing on core areas that you sweat as that helps in drying out the sweat.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Though apple cider vinegar has astringent properties and external application actually helps in treating Hyperhidrosis, none of us want to smell like a pickle. Due to this, internal consumption is more preferable with this treatment. Take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar along with a teaspoon of vinegar and honey and add to a glass of water before consuming thrice daily. Apple cider vinegar is a natural enhancer of metabolism and this helps you to burn extra fat in your body and prevent Hyperhidrosis, which is very common in obese people.

8. Lemon And Baking Soda

Mixing lemon juice with baking soda not only removes excess sweat and dries out the area, but also leaves a fresh fragrance on your body as lemon removes all the bacterial action that could happen while you sweat profusely. Mix lemon juice and baking soda to form a paste and apply on the areas that you sweat. This can also be done by slicing a lemon into half and adding some baking powder over the slice. This slice can be used for rubbing under the arms and in areas that sweat to absorb the sweat and prevent underarm odour as well.

9. Salt

Salt too has excellent absorption properties and it also has a drying effect on the skin. Salt crystals are best for the purpose than salt powder. Rub the crystals on areas that are sweaty to absorb the sweat and block the pores. Salt being odourless will not leave any unpleasant smell. Being easy to carry around, they can also be easily used wherever you are and quickly.


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