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The liver is one of the body’s amazing organs that filters and removes harmful toxins from the liquids and food that we take every day and the polluted air we breathe-in. Not many are aware that, liver also filters the toxins and chemicals that we tend to soak up through our skin from various products such as shampoos, hair dyes, tanning cream and skin lotions.
Today, due to the usage of chemically-rich cosmetic products, processed foods and environmental pollution, the liver is overloaded and overworked. This is quite taxing for the liver and hence it cannot process fat and toxins in an efficient manner. This is the reason why many people complain about liver problems. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that help counteract the distress related to a toxic liver. For the detox to be really effective, you need to follow a strict 3 day diet plan of pure, organic, diluted juices. If you consider this to be too stringent, then you can try the liquid diet for a day and then include the juice for both breakfast and lunch. Also, the supper must be light, low fat, and high in fiber. Avoid processed foods during detox.
Best Home Remedies For Liver Detox
This pungent bulb has the capacity to stimulate the liver enzymes, which helps the body to flush out the harmful toxins. Moreover, abundant amount of compounds such as selenium and allicin in garlic also aids in cleansing of the liver.
Grapefruit is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C and hence a perfect natural option to enhance the cleansing of the liver. Freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice (1 glass) will help in boosting the production of detoxifying enzymes in the liver, which help in flushing out the toxins and carcinogens.
Carrots and Beets
Both these veggies have an extremely high content of beta-carotene and plant-flavonoids. Therefore, eating carrots and beets can stimulate and enhance the overall function of the liver. Also, beets have high level of betaine, which encourages the cells in the liver to remove the toxins. The beets also help in lowering homocysteine levels.
This super-food is nutrient-dense and helps in the production of glutathione, which is a compound that plays an important role in cleansing harmful toxins from the liver.
Apples have high amounts of pectin, which holds the chemical constituents that are essential to cleanse and remove the harmful toxic matter from the digestive system.
Olive Oil
Organic and cold-pressed oils such as flax-seed, hemp and olive are excellent for the liver. They help by providing a proper lipid base, which can release the toxic substances from the body. This way, it takes away some of the load of the liver. It is important to consume the oil in moderate amount. Alternatively, you can mix lemon juice and olive oil in a sealed bottle and shake them vigorously. Drink this mixture before going to bed. Relax in a reclined pose and remain completely still. Stay in this position for about twenty minutes and then you can go to sleep, while the act of cleansing begins.
This bright yellow herb is generally used as a spice, especially in the Asian continent. According to a report published in September 1992 in the Journal ‘Cancer Letters’, turmeric was given to the ducklings, which suffered from the liver damage due to toxins. It was discovered that the antioxidant curcumin in turmeric was able to reverse necrosis (the dead liver cells) and also fatty liver conditions.
The toxic effect of alcohol on the liver can be overcome by using cloves. The journal of ‘Tanta Medical Sciences’ published a study in January 2007. According to the study, the researchers gave the extract of cloves to mice, which were given adequate amounts of ethanol as well to cause toxicity. It was discovered that the extract protected the liver that was damaged due to alcohol and also elevated the level of antioxidants.
Lemon Juice
Lemons are usually used as a natural remedy for sore throats and colds. It has a high amount of Vitamin C and also comprises of water. The phytochemical limonenes in lemons enhance the liver detoxification process. Moreover, they are also excellent digestive aid and hence nutritionists suggest drinking lemon water, as it is one of the simplest ways to detox the body.
Also Read
Herbal Remedies For Liver Disease
Herbal Remedies For Liver Cancer
Epsom Salt
The olive oil and Epsom salt detox is a remedy that is being used for decades to get rid of pollutants, toxins, stones etc. from your gallbladder and liver in a span of five days. In the initial 3 days, the gallbladder and liver are prepared to release the toxins and in the last 2 days, the toxins are expelled out from the system with the help of a few household ingredients. The olive oil and Epsom salt detox is conducted only after liver, kidney and anti-parasite cleanse are done.
Eating cauliflower and broccoli will enhance the amounts of glucosinolate in the system, which in turn increases the production of enzymes in the liver. Carcinogens and toxins are flushed out with the help of these natural enzymes, which significantly lower the risk related to cancer.
Whole Grains
Try eating whole grains such as wheat, brown rice etc., as they are rich in vitamin B-complex. These vitamins are known to enhance the overall liver function, fat metabolization and liver decongestion.
Ginger is used to treat a variety of common ailments like poor circulation, nausea and travel sickness. According to the reports of ‘Herb Wisdom’ ginger demonstrates remarkable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property and this plays a great role in curing coughs, headaches and arthritis as well. These properties of ginger can aid in regenerating the liver during chemical complexity, which usually occurs while processing the toxins.
Similar to cauliflower and broccoli, consuming cabbage helps in stimulating the crucial detoxifying enzymes in the liver, which helps in flushing out the toxins. Include more of coleslaw, kimchi, and sauerkraut and cabbage soup in your diet.
Walnuts have a high content of amino acid arginine, which aids in detoxifying ammonia. Also, they are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione, which support liver cleansing actions. Always, make sure to chew the nuts properly (until the walnuts are liquefied) prior to swallowing.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.