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6 Home Remedies For Quick Teeth Whitening


Each and everyone of us dream to have sparkling white teeth. They not only enhance the beauty of your smile but also contribute to your magnetic personality. White teeth can increase your face value. A simple smile can show the color of your teeth. Yellow teeth indicates poor oral hygiene and carelessness. It can be really embarrassing when we are out at social gatherings and functions.

Because any other health problem can be hidden or may not be visible, but nothing can be done about teeth. In this case, you might be thinking of rushing to a dentist and getting rid of those yellow stains but wait ! Instead of using and spending on whitening solutions try these simple and easy to use home remedies readily available at your kitchen shelves. Using these will give you a wide and bright smile instantly.

Various Ways To Cure Teeth Whitening


All of us love those yummy juicy strawberries. The sweet and tasty bright colored fruit can also brighten up your smile. They contain natural teeth whiteners and are a popular home remedy for tooth whitening and bleaching. Strawberries are helpful for teeth in two ways.

Firstly, they have got a natural enzyme called malic acid, which is a key component in many teeth whitening tooth pastes. Secondly, they contain fibre, which help remove bacteria from the mouth and teeth. Rub strawberries to your teeth or make a paste out of it. Let it be for sometime and then you can simply rinse off or brush your teeth.


Basil is known to protect your bleeding gums and also acts as a teeth whitener. You can either use dried or powdered leaves of basil. Mix the dried or powdered basil with mustard oil/ orange peel for brushing your teeth. Make a paste and use it everyday to brush your teeth.

Banana Peels

Banana has got many essential nutrients for your body. But banana peels are not a waste either? Next time you have banana do not throw away the peel.

Instead rub the banana peel on your teeth for 2-3mins. After some 15-20mins brush your teeth with regular toothpaste. You can practice this thrice a week to get instant white teeth.

5 Natural Treatments For Teeth Whitening
5 Wonderful Herbs For Teeth Whitening


Fruits rich in Vitamin C can help whiten your teeth. Fruits like lemon, orange, strawberry, tomatoes can be applied on the teeth. Cut any of them into pieces and rub on the teeth for 1-2mins. Keep it for sometime and later rinse it. This will cleanse and whiten your teeth.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has been used for bleaching and whitening for centuries even before the invention of toothpaste. It’s really simple to prepare and use. All you need to do is prepare a paste by adding some water and a pinch of salt to baking soda.

Use this to brush your teeth normally and then rinse out your mouth well removing all the baking soda. A recent study done reveals baking soda as the strongest and the safest teeth whitener. Many toothpastes available in the market contain baking soda, in case your does not sprinkle some over your tooth paste and then use it.

Go Back To The Basics

All of these above given remedies are good but not effective until you take care of the basics. Rinse with water after eating. This will remove any leftover food particle between your teeth which in turn will prevent stain and decay.

We have all heard prevention is better than cure. Preventing your tooth from discoloration is much easier than curing it. Brushing and flossing play the most important roles. Hence, they must be a part of your habits.

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