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13 Home Remedies For Receding Gums


Receding gums is often one of the first signs that warn you of gum disease. When gums start receding, they create a space between your teeth and the gums and this will cause bacteria to enter the gums and start damaging the tissues.

Many reasons like poor dental hygiene, periodontal disease, heredity, hormone imbalances and aggressive brushing of the teeth are some reasons associated with this condition. Receding gums need not always be treated in a dentist’s office. There are some natural remedies that can be used at home in order to control the deterioration of the gums and teeth.

Natural Remedies For Receding Gums

1. Green Tea

Rich in antioxidants, green tea is known as the elixir of health and can be used for treating and preventing the onset of a number of diseases. Taking green tea will help in reducing the damage caused to the teeth as a result of receding gums. Green tea reduces inflammation of the gums and also helps in destroying the bacteria in the mouth that can cause periodontal problems. Take a cup of green tea in the morning to keep your gums and teeth strong.

2. Sesame Oil

Sesame oil can be used in the same manner as a mouthwash for removing toxic substances and plaque buildup in the gums, which too can cause the gums to recede. Take a quarter cup of sesame oil and swish your mouth thoroughly with this. Warming the oil slightly can help as it can help in better absorption and removal of toxins and plaque. The oil will also give a protective coating to your gums and teeth and prevent recession of gums and dental decay.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe is an anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial agent. Take the fresh gel from the aloe plant and use this for brushing your teeth. You can also use aloe gel as a mouthwash every day morning and after meals to protect your teeth and gums from decay and prevent receding of gums. Aloe also helps in healing of damaged gums and infections.

4. Coconut Oil

Being antimicrobial in nature, coconut oil too is a great remedy for treating receding gums and the cause behind it. Take some virgin coconut oil and swish your mouth with it after brushing your teeth. This will give your teeth the necessary cover for protection against disease causing bacteria and germs and also prevent food particles and germs from sticking between and on the teeth and causing decay. Coconut oil can be used every day as a prevention method for receding gums and also for general oral hygiene.

5. Lemon Oil

Lemon has mild antiseptic qualities and is also an excellent antibacterial agent. However, direct application of lemon every day is not recommended as it can corrode the enamel. Lemon oil can be acquired or prepared at home by infusing olive oil with lemon for a few weeks. This oil can be used for swishing your mouth first thing in the morning. Lemon oil helps in killing all the bacteria and prevents gum recession and tooth decay as well. Lemon also stimulates tissue formation and can encourage new tissues to grow in the place of damaged ones.

6. Eucalyptus

This strong essential oil helps in killing all the germs in the mouth and prevents tooth decay and gum diseases that lead to receding gums. Eucalyptus is also anti inflammatory in nature and helps in reducing swollen gums as well. Take some eucalyptus oil and dilute with water. Massage for a few minutes onto your gums every day and rinse off. This will stimulate new tissue growth and also reduce gum recession and damage due to bacterial action.

7. Clove

The action of cloves on decayed and damaged tooth and infection has been long praised. Clove oil is known to be a natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti fungal agent and helps in stimulating the growth and repair of damaged tissues. Cloves are very powerful as disinfectants and can stop bacterial action with frequent use. Use a clove every day or massage with clove oil for best results.

Also Read:

How To Prevent Receding Gums
Home Remedies For Receding Gums
Natural Cure For Receding Gums
Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth

8. Myrrh

A kind of resin that is obtained from trees, myrrh can be used for stopping the recession of gums and preventing root exposure and damage as well. It is also great for strengthening the gums. Myrrh can be used for rinsing the mouth or as a tooth powder or paste, whichever is convenient for you.

9. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be diluted and used for swishing the mouth for preventing gum recession and root damage. Remember that the oil is very strong and should not be used without diluting it, lest it should cause burns. Tea tree oil is a powerful anti fungal and microbial agent and destroys the bacteria and plaque buildup in the teeth and between the gums.

10. Sumac Tree

Sumac tree is known to have stringent qualities that can come of help for treating of receding gums. It helps in stimulation of the gums and also cleans the teeth, keeping them safe from decay and damage. Take a twig and peel the outer bark. Gently rub the inner part over the surface of the teeth and along the gums.

11. Yarrow

Wild yarrow too has several antiseptic and astringent qualities. The flower or the leaves of wild yarrow can be used for rubbing over your teeth and preventing gum recession to a great extent.

12. Leaves

The leaves act as a tonic for the gums and are also an excellent treatment for the mucus membrane. Sage leaves can be directly rubbed on the gums and teeth for protection and treatment of receding gums. Sage leaves can be used for making a tea as well for preparing a rinse for your gums. Add sage leaves to a cup of boiling water and steep for ten minutes before using it for rinsing.

13. Rose Vinegar

Rose vinegar helps in strengthening the gums and can be used as a rinse for the mouth. For making rose vinegar, take 3 ounces of rose petals and soak in red wine vinegar solution. Steep for about seven days and strain it. A tablespoon of rose vinegar can be added to one cup of warm water and this can be used as a mouth rinse every day to prevent recession of gums.

View Comments

  • There is no scientific basis to this. The first paragraph alone goes against all dental classes/books I have taken/read. Please research before you believe anything.

    • Also let's not just believe people who claim we should only believe what medical schools tell you to believe. There is more than one belief system in health and wellness I hate to break it to ya "Dental Hygienist". And there is plenty of "scientific" basis for everything stated here, also plenty of common sense and anecdotal evidence.

      Please DO research people. But don't just listen to folks who claim only "their" research or way is "right". How come with all the medical and dental procedures and "prevention" our health seems to only be getting worse. Perhaps because none of it actually gets to the root CAUSE of our dis-ease and only placates the issue/symptoms.

      Don't listen to naysayers, TRY it and see what works for you. And perhaps you may save yourself a lot of money and heartache and be better off. And if not, THEN you can always take the allopathic route and go about treating your symptoms or better yet throw a bunch of mercury in your teeth and start drilling out your roots and leave rotten dead teeth in your mouth instead of actually HEALING them.

      • I am a scientist who studied at Yale but do believe in alternate health solutions. Good points.

    • The problem with those of you who have had formal training via mainstream medicine know nothing outside of your textbooks unless you seek it on your own. I know these methods to work based on scientific method (observation, experimentation, and drawing a conclusion), which makes your opinion that there is no scientific basis for this info incorrect. I am currently using sesame seed oil and it is working wonders as it pertains to my oral health among other things. My advice to you is to research the oil pulling method.

      Good day to all.

  • I have used some of these methods and found them to work well. I understand that people who study a career would want to have as many customers as possible, but for most they are far too expensive and for most like my self, alternative and natural remedies are a far better choice.

  • also try 1 tsp of Cod Liver oil, & 3 raw butter oil pills in the morning, Cure Cavities within 1month! :-)

  • Quit smoking, floss daily, brush properly with a soft toothbrush, remove all plaque two times a day at least, if you clinch or grind your teeth wear a splint, have your teeth cleaned by a professional on a regular basis. These will also prevent gums from receding. Until we can regrow bone around teeth there is no cure only stopping it from getting worse and then maintaining what you have left.

  • I'm sure for those of us who use oils for "pulling" know this and the following is for those new to the idea. Don't swallow the oil! Spit it out as it contains toxins and unwanted bacteria. I didn't see this detail in the article.This likely will seem intuitive to most, but if you don't know......

    • bacteria in the oils? Coconut Oil and Seseame Oil are great for you, and coconut oil is anti-bacterial, no toxins or bacteria here, well bad ones anyway!

      • it's probably regarding the bacteria the oils pull out of your mouth - don't swallow it! x

        • It is regarding the oils pulled from your mouth from swishing and you should not swallow it.

      • The oils are great and healthy, but once you use them to swish out your mouth, they absorb the toxins and bacteria from your mouth and should be discarded by spitting them out and rinsing with warm water to remove the toxins. The whole purpose of oil pulling is pulling out the toxins and getting rid of them. :)

  • I have receeding gums, I drink lots of green tea, and use aloe vera toothpaste, I'll try some of the other remedies too.

  • 12,500 BC Magdelanian culture medicine ladies knew how to get aspirin from Willow twigs and what to use it for. They also knew how to make poultices and ointments, extract digitalis from Foxglove for tired hearts, and a use myriad of other homeopathic treatments. Our grandmothers used basil and oregano in food because they have health benefits, not just flavor. Anice, used in black licorice, is good for treating ulcers. And the most overlooked substance of all, colostrum, strengthens your immune system and acts as a catalyst for other bio functions in our bodies. I have not been sick in three years since I started taking it. Anyone who thinks the only medicine that works is from our modern systems is gravely mistaken.

  • I've worked in dentistry now for 25 years and from my education i've learned that once you've lost the important attached gingival tissue you will have also lost the same amount of attached bone. That means these lovely photos displayed above are showing that the person has more of the tooth above a natural healthy jawbone arch......this means that they must be very mobile and are probably on their last days of remaining in their mouth. I would have my semi annual or quarterly professional cleanings and not rely on oil pulling to stop this from happening. It may be somewhat of a benefit if you need to eliminate the deep pockets that have developed around teeth (different issue all together) deeper that 4 to 5 mm.......anything deeper you should have surgery to correct the problem from getting worse. If you have deep pockets more than 5 mm and it's not an isolated have periodontal disease, you need to get it under control to prevent premature tooth loss. :)

    • But how please?
      Here in the Netherlands they tell you that there is no cure for this.My friend went to 2 dentists , one specialised for ortho.
      Both said thete is no cure and not to worry - it would only go so far and stop..
      We can not believe this and try to find an answer.
      She really has slits under her teeth!
      Do you know perhaps,

  • Some people cannot afford the dental industries high dollar schemes. I agree that severe problems should be seen to but our medical industries take and take money we don't have. I understand they work hard and go to dental school, and training. My cousin is/or was a hygienist. What does one do who cannot afford dental exams and treatments and has no, or cannot afford dental insurance? (Rhetorical) Wake up! We have to take care of our teeth ourselves. It starts with us. I have not been to a dentist in 16 years. Other than some mildly receding gums, I am fine. I am working on a better dental hygiene. I don't have a money tree in my yard. I am receiving money through social security for other health issues. But they don't always pay for and treat everything through medicaid. The money I get gets me food, clothes, pay bills. You don't want me in a dentists office if I cannot pay a fee up front or even later for that matter.

  • I see quite a bit of debating going on in the comments, which is great and all, but personally I'd like to see more of what everyone has tried here and how it worked for them. Not arguing things we should already know like "we're all broke and can't afford professional dentistry" and "you can't believe everything you read on the Internet".
    I may be speaking for myself here, but I care more about seeing everyone's firsthand (or secondhand?) experiences with these home remedies than who knows more: someone who went to school for dentistry or someone who uses home remedies more.

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