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Skin tags or polyps or papillomas as they are generally referred to as are benign growths on the skin surface that occur mostly on the neck, chest, face, nose, armpits, inner thighs etc.Though they are generally harmless, they can also be the result of underlying medical conditions that require rigorous treatment.
They can also be extremely unsightly and cause a lot of cosmetic issues in women. Thankfully, apart from surgery, which is mostly recommended, there are many safe and effective methods that can be employed at home for treating this condition.
Garlic is a wonderful treatment for removing the skin tag without any external interference or medication. Being very hot in nature, one has to exercise caution while using garlic for treatment. Take a clove of garlic and cut it into a thin slice. Leave it on the skin tag and secure with a duct tape. Allow it to remain the entire day, taking care to replace it with fresh slices. Before bedtime, remove and rinse your skin. Repeat for three days after which the tag falls off. You can start the treatment again after a few days if the skin tag still remains.
It is important to do a patch test on the skin to check if the strong essential oil is too potent for your skin. Apply frankincense essential oil directly on the skin tag either diluted or undiluted depending on your skin sensitivity. Continue the application every day for one to two months before you see results. The tag will soon start shrinking and finally fall off without much ado.
Castor oil is a strong remedy for treating skin tags at home. Take some castor oil and add some baking soda to this in order to form a thick paste. Apply this mixture on the skin tag. Repeat thrice a day and continue treatment for about three weeks. Soon the skin tag will shrink and fall off. The treatment can be continued in case the skin tag has not fallen off.
5 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Skin Tags
How To Get Rid Of Skin Tags Naturally
How To Get Rid Of Skin Tags
This is a simple procedure that can be done at home using a scissors or a scalpel. However, remember that this seemingly simple procedure requires a lot of care in order to avoid infections. Sterilize the scissors or the scalpel with boiling water, flame, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol before usage. Use ice cubes on the skin tag for about 10-15 minutes for numbing the area. Now, aiming at a position close to the skin, cut off the skin tag as fast as possible. Use a cotton for wiping off the blood. Apply a little salt or antiseptic cream after this procedure to prevent infection and also to speed up healing.
A strong essential oil that is very acidic in nature, tea tree oil is also a natural antiseptic agent that protects the skin after the tag has been removed. Apply tea tree oil directly on the skin tag. Leave it on. Repeat the application thrice a day or more based on the size of the skin tag. The oil penetrates the skin tag and finally the skin tag starts drying off and eventually falls off with frequent application. If you have very sensitive skin, make sure that you dilute tea tree oil before application.
Being acidic in nature, apple cider vinegar too can be used for inducing the skin tag to fall naturally. Before application of apple cider vinegar, soak the affected area in warm water. Once the skin tag becomes soft, use a cotton ball for soaking apple cider vinegar and apply on the skin tag. Press on the skin tag for twenty minutes for its action to take place. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat 2-3 times a day and continue treatment every day until the tag falls off.
Another effective method to remove skin tag, asphyxiation involves depriving oxygen to the skin tag and making it shrink and fall off naturally. You can use a non-porous material for this purpose. It can be the application of nail polish, use of a band-aid, liquid band aid etc., whichever is convenient for you. Whatever method you use, it has to be airtight to prevent oxygen from entering the skin tag. The skin tag will be removed in eight to ten days with this procedure.
Aspirin too can be used for treating skin tags. Take an aspirin tablet and crush it to form a powder. Apply this powder on the skin tag and seal with a duct tape. Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which helps in shrinking and drying the skin tag and finally removing it completely from the skin.
This method of removing skin tag involves the use of a thread or a string for blocking the blood circulation to the skin tag. Lack of circulation will soon cause the skin tag to shrink and dry off and finally it falls off. Tie a thin string or a dental floss around the skin tag tightly. Leave it on for several days until the skin tags comes out. The procedure may cause some pain and the surrounding skin can get irritated under the pressure of the string. However, this method is known to be very effective in removing the skin tag within a week.
Baking soda is a mild exfoliant and helps in removing moles and skin tags as well. Take adequate amounts if baking soda and mix it with some warm water to form a paste. Apply on the skin tag and rub gently. Repeat the procedure several times a day and continue until the skin tag dries and falls off. Check for skin irritation while using baking soda for the treatment. If irritation persists, discontinue this method of treatment. The skin tags will be gone in one to two weeks with the use of baking soda. Repeat the procedure if the skin tags are bigger and more stubborn to be removed easily.
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Old school remedies that still work! After survivng breast cancer I've endured a rash of skin tags that seem to be taking over my neck! Glad to find some household methods that I can try first! Thanks for the post!
same as me !!! i have them all over my neck
Wow me too! I'm sure it's related.
In response to the garlic one, NEVER use duct tape on your skin, it can leave chemical burns. A simple medical tape should be sufficient.
duct tape can be used on the skin to remove plantar warts on the hands and feet. google it. never heard of it leaving a chemical burn, however I did have medical tape actually bond to my skin and had to have it removed in the ER. Different people have different results.
i used duct tape for plantar wart on the bottom of my foot and it worked. no scaring.
My physician TOLD me to use duct tape to remove warts. Perhaps Lois is allergic to the tape.
actually duct tape is not good on skin, my stepdad put it on his skin and when he took it off the skin also came off and know he has a scar so, be careful as tags usually r in sensitive areas
ive used duct tape before on skin and suffered no problems. did you use the garlic at the same time (for me just the tape took it off)
Any adhesive left on the skin for too long is not good. When duct tape is suggested, it tells you to change often. I would change less than 12 hours. The same can be said for bandaids. It also depends on the position of the adhesive; WHERE it is placed and the softness of the skin under it.
I had these all over my neck by the time I reached college. I was so sick of them and I tried the at-home kit for freezing off warts, but that didn't really work. I didn't have the patience to let them turn black and fall off like so many remedies do (besides that's kind of gross). So I took a pair of nail clippers to them. It didn't hurt much more than popping a stubborn zit does, though some of them bled more.
Use a styptic pencil on for bleeding when you cut off a tag.
I have had a stypic pencil in my beauty shop for years. Also good to have when you have someone on blood thinners too!
styptic pencils sting like hell too. I heard that cob webs stop bleeding, dont know if it is true.
Styptic pencils contain aluminum. If you are interested in natural remedies this is not a healthy choice. Aluminum is a poison and should not be entered into the blood stream (or the skin, for that matter- through things like antiperspirants). Just an FYI.
If you don't like styptic pencils/ aluminum, cayenne pepper also stops bleeding on a small wound pretty well. It will sting, however.
i had a skin tag and it was bothering my by rubbing against my clothes, put a band aid on it and it fell off in about a week and a half.
About 3 weeks ago, I had 2 skin tags on my neck; one had dried up and I pulled it off and I cut the other one off with a nail clipper. I cleaned that area with an alcohol wipe, and thought it would be OK. Right after that, I got mosquito bites in that area, which turned into welts. It kept getting worse, so I went to the doctor a couple days ago. It turned out to be a combination of infection and skin irritation; I was put on antibiotics and have a prescription for Triamcinalone Cream. It's much better now. I wasn't as lucky as others that removed their own skin tags. Just an fyi...
I've used medicated powder (like Goldbond) on mine, and it works very well. Just put it on multiple times a day.
I have found success with a modification of the thread treatment. Instead of thread, just twist the tag until it's kinda uncomfortable, then put tape over it so that it doesn't untwist. That kills the blood supply and in a couple of days, it falls off.
My dad had one on his neck. And the doctor told him to sterilize some fingernail clippers and cut it off with that. It worked although he did have sone bleeding. But it's gone.
I used the toenail clipper method, worked like a charm. I was sure to prep the area first with alcohol wipes, sterilize the clippers, and apply TAO immediately after doing it. Slight bleeding but well worth it.