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9 Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea


There is nothing that can be more refreshing and energizing like a good night’s sleep. But, there are many who suffer from sleep disturbances at night and one of the most common sleep disorders that are very common among adults as well as children is sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is characterized by a sudden blockage of the airway passages during sleep, which could last any time between 5-10 seconds. Very severe conditions can lead to blockages as frequent as 20-30 times in an hour. People who suffer from severe sleep apnea will have accompanying symptoms like loss of concentration, memory loss, fatigue, daytime sleeping etc. to mention a few. Check out these wonderful home remedies for curing sleep apnea.

Tips To Cure Sleep Apnea Naturally

Saline Nasal Spray

Sometimes sleep apnea is caused due to obstructions in the nasal passages as a result of allergies. Phlegm can get trapped in the nasal passages and harden and when you sleep, the phlegm can trickle down and obstruct the airways, leading to sleep apnea. In such cases, a saline nasal spray can be used for keeping the nasal passages clear.

Saline nasal drops can be prepared at home by adding 1/4th teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water. Using a Neti pot, irrigate your nasal passage several times until it is clear. Do not use saline nasal sprays long term as it can aggravate the symptoms.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a soothing and relaxing remedy that helps the air passages and uvula to remain relaxed while sleeping. This will prevent sleep apnea. Take a cup of chamomile tea before you had to sleep. This helps in easing the muscle tension and attaining good sleep.

Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties and this will come of help when you have inflammatory conditions like a sore throat, cough, cold, throat infection etc. that too can lead to obstruction of the airways. Chamomile tea can be used as a compress on the neck and throat to ease inflammation. Chamomile oil too can be massaged on to the neck and throat area after mixing it with olive oil.

Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is another essential oil that can help in treating sleep apnea. The essential oil is good for treating inflammations of the respiratory tract and throat, which crop up due to various allergic conditions.

A diffuser can be used for inhaling primrose oil or it can be used as a compress for easing the inflammation and congestion and relieving the disturbances during sleep. Again, take care to dilute it adequately before using it on the skin as a compress.

Lavender Oil

Lavender has mild sedative and tranquilizing properties and relaxes the muscles, thereby removing stress and problems like insomnia. To enjoy the relaxing and sedative properties of lavender oil, take a few drops and apply on the temples and neck and massage gently before sleep. This will aid in good sleep and prevent sleep apnea due to muscle obstruction in the throat.

Eucalyptus Oil

For blockages in the airways, eucalyptus is a popular natural treatment method. Eucalyptus oil is credited with the potency to relieve the blocks in a few minutes of its inhalation. For sleep apnea, before going to bed, spray some eucalyptus oil on the pillow cover and sleep. This will prevent sleep disturbances as the muscles will remain relaxed and the phlegm will be removed as well, leaving the airways open, easing the breathing procedure.


Among the many simple remedies for treating sleep apnea, walnuts are probably the most popular and one of the best. Walnuts help by regulating the internal clock of the body. It contains an antioxidant known as melatonin, which is naturally produced by the body, that aids in sleep at night. The body produces more melatonin at night and less in the morning.

It is when this balance is disturbed that we have sleep problems. By taking a handful of walnuts at night, you can attain good sleep and prevent sleep apnea. However, for those who have allergic reactions to certain foods must take walnut with care. The dry fruit is known to cause extreme allergic reactions that can even lead to death. Therefore, ensure that you test for allergies before consuming them.


Garlic is a naturally occurring antiseptic and antibiotic due to its power in destroying bacteria and also due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Taking a clove or two of garlic at the onset of respiratory infections is known to reduce instances of sleep apnea. Garlic is also an excellent home remedy for treating throat infections, especially tonsillitis which is associated with sleep apnea, as the enlarged tonsils can obstruct the passage of air while sleeping.

Take 2-3 cloves of garlic every day until the inflammation and symptoms subside. Chronic inflammatory conditions that can cause sleep apnea benefits a lot with the intake of 2 cloves of garlic every day to reduce the symptoms and prevent the occurrence of sleep apnea.

Indian Gooseberry

With many antioxidant properties and vitamin C, Indian gooseberry helps in treating inflammations, bacterial infections etc. and boosts one’s immunity as well, making your stronger and more efficient in attacking the germs. This will prevent and reduce instances of infections and resultant sleep apnea.

Take a cup of gooseberry juice before sleep or slice the gooseberry into smaller pieces and add to one cup of water. Bring to boiling point and then simmer for ten minutes before taking with a dash of honey. The leaves of gooseberry too have several medicinal and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for treating sleep apnea. Dry the leaves and powder them. Add to one cup of water and consume every day for best results.

Holy Basil

Holy basil is a medicinal plant that is very commonly found in almost all Indian households. The plant is rich in antioxidants and helps in curing respiratory ailments and infections that may lead to sleep apnea. Holy basil leaves can be chewed upon when you feel that an infection is setting in. The anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties of holy basil help in removing the bacteria and treating the inflammation promptly, thereby preventing sleep apnea.

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