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5 Best Home Remedies For Spider Veins


Spider veins are tiny swollen blood vessels which are easily discernable through the skin. They appear like a web of thin and twisted purple or red, jagged lines and are most often seen on the inside of the legs, ankles, face and thighs. When the valves in these superficial veins become weakened they are unable to push the blood towards the heart and the blood flows backwards and accumulates in the veins. This results in swelling and when the blood begins to stagnate in them they turn blue, purple and red.

This condition usually occurs in old age and is more common in women than in men. It is caused by improper or slow blood circulation, standing for long periods, heredity and hormonal changes. Spider veins not only detract from the appearance but are also very painful and itchy. They can cause the legs and ankles to swell and to feel hot and heavy. The delivery of blood and oxygen to the tissues is hindered and the removal of waste is delayed this can cause the skin to become thin, discolored and susceptible to ulcers.

Home Remedies For Spider Veins

1. Oranges

The vitamin C present in oranges is very crucial in the treatment of spider veins.  Vitamin C is required to strengthen the blood vessels and improve the circulation of blood. It is also an excellent antioxidant which protects the tissues from damage. Eat oranges everyday on a regular basis.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties. It stimulates the blood circulation and increases the flow of blood to the blood starved tissues. It prevents the blood from clotting in the veins and reduces their swelling. Massage the affected areas with warm castor oil twice a day. Cover the areas with warm flannel. The swelling will subside and the pain and itching will abate. You will feel relieved when the pressure is lifted off the blood vessels.

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3. Guava

Eating guavas everyday can improve spider veins considerably. Guava is rich in vitamin C which is essential for the strength of the blood vessels and it has large quantities of vitamin K which improves blood flow to the tissues and prevents discoloration. It also contains lycopene which is an antioxidant that protects the cells and tissues from toxic damage. Eat guavas as much as you can to strengthen the capillaries and veins and to improve the blood flow. If the circulation of the blood increases, it will not stagnate in the blood vessels and cause further harm.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the most common home remedy for spider veins. It improves the appearance of the veins by reducing the swelling and increasing the blood circulation to the affected areas. Soak a clean cloth in apple cider vinegar and apply as a compress on the spider veins. Keep the compress for half an hour. Repeat this twice a day until the veins regain their normal appearance.

5. Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is very good in stimulating the blood circulation and in strengthening the valves. Massage twice a day all the affected areas. You will notice a difference in the spider veins very soon.

View Comments

  • try to use veno rid serum which good for for the treatment of spider veins but like everything on
    the market, it takes time and patience but works in the long run.

    • Thank you i will try this. I'm only 30 and already have one spot with unsightly spider veins and have recently noticed 2 more spots starting!

    • Thank you so much krista really i got amazing result after i used veno rid serum.

  • After having my baby, my legs just looked absolutely awful, venorid serum really helped just in time for summer shorts and dresses too. It took a couple of weeks before I noticed a difference, but it was definitely worth the wait. I feel way happier about my legs now.

  • Normally I’m not one to focus on the looks of my body, but I was not able to get passed these varicose veins that are taking over my lower leg. Thanks to venorid serum: The Varicose and Spider Vein Solution for allowing my calves to look much more attractive. I literally saw results within the first two weeks of using this. More importantly, I had no hesitation whatsoever considering I was practically trying the product for free. If I wasn’t satisfied with this product, I knew that I could get my money back. Fortunately, venorid serum has worked tremendously and I can’t wait to tell my friends!

  • Thank you for these ideas. hope it will work and observing it’s effectivenss. thanks

  • If you have pain from varicose veins, you need to try DermalMD Serum. It really helps in a natural way. I take it and so does my husband and son. I usually take it for about six months and have relief that lasts a long time.

  • As a result of having children, I have developed spider veins on certain area of my legs and these can be unsightly during the summer months when you want to wear shorts, mini dresses and bathing suits.

    I felt I had nothing else to lose by trying venorid serum as I have already altered my wardrobe. After a couple of weeks use, I see minimal results on the very mild areas. I will continue to use on the areas that are hardest hit and hope to see more results and continued relief.

    To open the pores, I usually cover the area to be treated with a very warm towel for a few minutes, then apply the serum as indicated. The treatment lasts for about four months.

  • I use DermalMD Varicose veins Serum. I really don't think I bruise as bad and I think the bruises fadequicker using these products.

  • Today both of my legs are free of varicose veins and don't ache anymore. I can now work and exercise whenever I want to. Best of all, I get to wear my shorts. All of this wouldn't have been possible without http://WWW.VARICOSEVEINCURES.INFO - I highly recommend it to anybody looking for alternative solutions to varicose treatments other than the conventional medical approach. Varicose veins are a lot easier to deal with than you may think :)

  • I have been using Dermalmd varicose vein treatment serum for about 2
    weeks now. Since having both my boys spider veins have been a large
    issue. I have been using this as directed and I have noticed a slight
    decrease in their appearance. they have yet to completely disappear.

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