5 Home Remedies For Tooth Infection

 Tooth Infection

Tooth infection causes abscesses at the root of the tooth which deteriorates the gums and decays the tooth. It is an infection of the mouth, jaw or throat that begins as a tooth infection or cavity and mainly results from improper dental care and hygiene. Sometimes it also results from autoimmune disorders. Bacteria from the cavity extend to the gums. They can also extend to the cheeks, tongue, throat and facial bones making them swell unnaturally and become very painful.

These bacteria cause the tissues in the gums to swell and become very painful due to the pressure in the abscesses and pus begins to accumulate causing nausea, fever and chills. When the infection is on the surface of the gums it is known as gingival abscess and when it penetrates deeper into the gums it is known as periodontal abscess or infection of the pulp.

5 Home Remedies For Tooth Infection


Everyone is aware of the excellent antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic. Though it is very strong and unpalatable when consumed raw, nothing can beat its efficacy in clearing away the infection and restoring the gums and teeth to their natural health.


Peel a fat clove of garlic and crush it slowly between the teeth. Chew it gradually before swallowing the whole. Chew three or four cloves of garlic every day. Within days, the infection together with the pain and swelling will go away.


Cloves are wonderful healers and pain relievers and are very effective in the treatment of infections of the gums and teeth. They are superior to over the counter pain killers and provide immediate relief. You can place a clove in the affected area and chew it slowly or you can apply clove oil to the infected tooth and gums. Regular use, several times a day will eliminate the pain and infection.



Vinegar draws out the infection and kills the harmful bacteria. Take two teaspoons of vinegar and mix it in a glass of warm water. Add half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Rinse your mouth several times a day with this oral rinse. Salt is an excellent antiseptic. It reduces the swelling and minimizes the pain.


Black Pepper

Grind some black pepper to a fine powder. Take one teaspoon of this powder and mix it with half a teaspoon of salt. Rub your teeth and gums with this mixture thoroughly. Repeat three times a day. Pepper inhibits the bacteria from penetrating the gums and other areas in the mouth and fights tooth decay. It reduces the swelling and pain and stops gums from bleeding.

Black Pepper


Grind some alum into a fine powder. Take one teaspoon of alum and add half a teaspoon of salt to it. Clean your teeth with this powder every morning and every night before going to bed. Alum has antibacterial properties which inhibit bacterial growth and pus formation and promote healing. If your gums are bleeding, alum will put a stop to it most efficaciously and heal your gums quickly.



5 Remedies For Tooth Infection

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.