8 Home Remedies For Wheezing

 Remedies For Wheezing

Wheezing also called as ‘sibilant rhonchi’ in medical terminology is normally associated with persons having lung disease like Asthma. Normally, Wheezing is caused due to narrowing of the respiratory tree.

Those who are allergic to pollens, dust, chemicals, insect bites or persons suffering from acute bronchitis are also prone to Wheezing. Of course, there are several medicines, which help in managing the wheezing. At the same time, home remedies are also found to be effective in managing this ailment.

8 Various Ways To Cure Wheezing

Ginger With Honey

Take one teaspoon ginger juice, one teaspoon honey and two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds. Put them in a container and add some water and thoroughly mix the contents.

Ginger With Honey


Allow the contents to soak overnight. Drink this solution twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. Use this process until you are free from the problem of wheezing.

Garlic Tea

Boil one cup of water and add about five cloves of garlic into it. Now, allow it to steep for about five minutes. Drink the solution after it comes to room temperature. Alternatively, take about ten cloves of garlic and boil them in about a half-cup of milk.

Garlic Tea

Drink this solution once in a day, preferably in the morning before coffee. You can also add one teaspoon of honey to one garlic clove and take this preparation twice a day. Continue to take this preparation till the symptoms of wheezing subside.

Ginger Tea

Take one inch of ginger. Cut it into small pieces and put them in one and half-cup of water. Boil the contents for about ten minutes. Drink the mixture when it reaches room temperature.

Ginger Tea

For best results, drink this tea twice a day for at least a fortnight. Continue this process till a week to get rid of the problem related to the wheezing.

Mustard With Camphor

Take half teaspoon mustard oil and put some camphor into it. Rub this mixture on the back of the chest. This clears the inflammation of the respiratory track and helps you to breathe normally.

Mustard Oil

Whenever you have symptoms of wheezing, you can adopt this remedy. For a better result, you are requested to follow this process for at least a week.


Take three or four dried figs and wash them thoroughly. Now, soak these figs overnight in a cup of water. In the morning eat the soaked figs and also drink the water in which you soaked the figs.


The nutrients present in the figs can give you a quick relief from wheezing. Hence, figs are known to be one of the best natural remedies to cure the problem of wheezing.

Long Pepper

Take some long pepper, dry ginger and Gooseberry and powder them. Now, mix the powder in equal quantity. Add one teaspoon of honey and half teaspoon of clarified butter.

Long Pepper

Take this preparation twice in a day; preferably, in the morning and in the night before you go to bed. Long pepper can be used for a week or even for more days, as they don’t have any side-effect.

Sesame Oil

Mix 1/4th glass of sesame oil with ½ teaspoon of asafetida and add a pinch of camphor into it. Mix the contents thoroughly. This preparation should be taken in the morning.

Sesame Oil

Take this preparation as soon as you experience symptoms of wheezing. Take this oil regularly during winter and rainy season to avoid the problem of wheezing.

Lobelia Tea

Take about 10 Lobelia leaves and wash them thoroughly. Put these leaves in about 1 ½ cup of water and heat the contents for about 10 minutes. Allow the contents to cool to room temperature.

Lobelia Tea

Now, drink this tea. Make sure you drink the tea slowly. If you drink this tea rapidly, then it may induce nausea. Follow this process till a week to get rid of wheezing.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.