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16 Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain


Wisdom tooth can appear at all odd ages and some kind of discomfort and pain has to be expected at this time. Many people complain of difficulty in chewing, opening the mouth and general soreness of the gums etc.

Whilst this is a normal phenomenon that all of us have to go through, the pain can be very distressing and irritating as well. Several home remedies can be administered to ease the pain and relieve the gums off the discomfort. Here are a few suggestions that will help you deal with the problem.

Tips To Cure Wisdom Tooth Pain

Ice Pack

The most sought after and simple remedy for toothache is the use of an ice pack on the area. Ice helps in numbing the sensations and this will give relief from the pain and the discomfort while you are getting a wisdom tooth. Take an ice pack and cover it with gauze or wash cloth. Keep biting on it for some time to numb the area. Though it is a simple and temporary remedy, it works like a charm.

Salt Water

Salt water can heal the swollen gums and also remove any bacteria that could be harbored there and cause infections. Take half a teaspoon of salt and add this to a cup of warm water.

Swish your mouth frequently with this water to keep the pain and germs away and toe gums as well. Salt can be made into a paste and inserted around and over the sore the gums to keep the pain under control and reduce the swelling as well.

Frozen Foods

Freezing fruits and vegetables and biting and chewing on them are another way to ease the pain and reduce the tingling of the gums. Fruits and vegetables like bananas, apples, carrots etc. are excellent for chewing and reducing the discomfort. As they are frozen, they will also help in easing the pain and swelling of the gums.


Garlic is an anti inflammatory agent and is also great for removing bacteria from the mouth. Take a garlic clove and keep it crushed between the gums. Release the juice every now and then so that the bacteria around the gums will be destroyed and the tingling and pain will be greatly reduced.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is an excellent remedy for numbing the gums and also keeping the pain under control. Clove is also good for destroying the bacteria inside the mouth. Take some clove oil and mix it with some salt and garlic paste. Apply a thick coat on the swollen gums and leave it on. This is an effective solution for treating pain and swelling of the gums.

Pepper Powder

Pepper powder is another anti bacterial agent that can be used for controlling the pain and swelling of wisdom tooth. Take some fresh peppercorns and grind them to a powder form. Add some rock salt and clove oil as well and apply on the gums. Leave it on for instant relief from pain.

Baking Soda

A mild antiseptic agent, baking soda can be made into a paste and applied on the gums. You can also use baking soda for gently brushing the area with a soft bristled brush. This will remove all the slime and plaque buildup around the gums, which can cause pain and sensitivity. Leave a coat of baking soda after this to control the infection and pain when a wisdom tooth erupts.

Tea Bags

The tannic acid in tea bags have anti-inflammatory qualities that can help when you have a swollen gum and pain along with it. Brew a tea and refrigerate the tea bag. Take it out when it is cold or frozen and leave it over your gums. This is a wonderful way to bring down the pain and swelling on your gums.


Sensodyne toothpaste is generally recommended for sensitive teeth and gums. It is a great way to reduce the pain and sensitivity when you have a wisdom tooth erupting. Brush your teeth with sensodyne, covering the sensitive gum area thoroughly. This will reduce the pain and relieve you of the discomfort.

Chewing Gums

Chewing a gum too can help in easing the pain and swelling of wisdom teeth. Chew a sugar less variety of gum all throughput the day to increase the blood circulation in these areas and also to reduce the pain and stiffness if the joints and pressure that you feel inside the ears when a wisdom tooth erupts.

Asafoetida And Lemon Juice

Take 1/4th teaspoon of asafetida and mix well with lemon juice. This has to be heated slightly in a low flame and using a cotton swab, apply a thick coat on the affected gums. Asafoetida will reduce the soreness considerably and soothe the gums as well, thereby reducing pain and discomfort.


Wheatgrass is known to be a natural mouthwash that can kill the bacteria and keep the teeth, gums and mouth clean and free from infections. For treating wisdom tooth pain, you can chew on wheatgrass. This will relieve the pain and also swelling that could be causing you sleepless nights.

Also Read

Herbal Remedies For Toothache
Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth
Effective Tooth Pain Treatment
6 Effective Tips For Tooth Pain
8 Home Remedies For Toothache


Onions have many healing properties due to their sulphur content and they also have antibacterial qualities that can keep the mouth clean and free from germs. Take a slice of onion and chew in your mouth for a few minutes. This will destroy the bacteria in the mouth and ease wisdom tooth pain in case the pain has worsened due to bacterial action.

Bayberry Bark And Vinegar

Bayberry bark and vinegar can be made into a paste and applied on the affected spot for relief from soreness, pain and tingling when you have wisdom teeth.

Olive Oil

Olive oil can be applied directly on the affected gums and massaged gently. This is a great way to ease the inflammation and control the pain. Olive oil has many healing properties as they are rich in essential fatty acids.

Oregano Oil

Another wonderful remedy for treating wisdom tooth pain is to use oregano oil and massage the sore gums gently. This too can ease the pain and swelling and relieve the discomfort.

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