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For instance, a callus can develop on the middle finger due to continuous holding a pen or pencil and writing with it. Walking in ill fitting shoes causes friction and pressure on the toes especially the big toe and the small toe and the sides that come in contact with the shoes become toughened and thick.
Too much friction makes the skin develop its own protective layer to protect the internal epidermis. Calluses mostly form on the hand and feet and are painless. But if a callus exerts pressure on a bone or nerve underneath then it can become painful. There are several home remedies that can help you remove this disfigurement.
Fill a basin with warm water and add one teaspoon of salt to it. Soak your hands or feet in this water for ten minutes to soften the skin. Then while keeping your foot or hand in the water rub a pumice stone gently on the callus and remove the dead cells.
Do not try to scrape the whole callus away at one go otherwise you will only end up hurting yourself by making the skin raw. Sand away the callus everyday bit by bit. In a few weeks’ time your callus will go away completely.
Rub a few drops of castor oil on the callus. Then heat a griddle and warm a betel leaf on it. Cover the callus with the betel leaf and bandage the whole with some first-aid adhesive tape. At night before going to bed, apply a fresh coat of oil and repeat the procedure. Do this daily. The oil will soften the callus and the dead skin cells will gradually fall away of their own accord.
Coconut oil is very good for removing the dry and hard skin. All you have to do is rub coconut oil on the callus as frequently as possible. Keep rubbing the oil into the skin till it becomes soft and the outer dead skin cells loosen and fall away.
Apple cider vinegar is a very good remedy for removing the callus completely. Take a piece of bread and soak it in apple cider vinegar.
Place the soaked bread on the callus and place a betel leaf on top of it in such a way that the whole thing is well covered. Bandage with a plastic tape. Keep the bandage for ten hours after which remove it and rub the softened callus with a rough towel dipped in warm water.
Fill a basin with extra warm water and add three tablespoons of Epsom salt to it. Soak your hand or foot in this solution for half an hour. Do this, twice daily. As the skin begins to soften, gently scrape away the loosened dead skin with a rough towel.
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Wow! I happened upon this because I was wondering what was happening with my feet. Last night I used coconut oil as a moisturizer on my foot that has pretty bad eczema. Tonight in the shower my calluses just kinda melted away. I wasn’t expecting that. So I searched and found this and I am truly amazed! Who knew this oil has so many functions?!?!