Categories: Skin Care

7 Amazing Homemade Night Creams For Enhancing Your Beauty


Many people generally neglect applying night creams to their skin. But, night cream plays a significant role in enhancing the beauty. It supplies moisture content to the skin. Thus, it keeps the skin always hydrated. It reduces the appearance of aging signs on the skin. Night creams make your skin supple and soft. For enjoying these benefits, there is no need to invest huge amounts on the commercial night creams. There are amazing homemade night creams which work wonder in enhancing the beauty. Today, let us discuss few of the amazing homemade night creams in this article.

1. Olive Oil And Coconut Oil:


½ Cup of Olive Oil
2 Teaspoons of Coconut Oil
1 Teaspoon of Beeswax
2 Tablespoons of Vitamin E Oil

Preparation And Application Method:

In the saucepan, add olive oil, beeswax, vitamin e oil and coconut oil. Turn on the flame. Heat the mixture for few minutes. After some time, turn off the flame. Let the mixture be cooled for some time.
Massage your neck and face with this cream at nighttime.

2. Almond Oil And Cocoa Butter:


1 Tablespoon of Almond Oil
1 Tablespoon of Honey
2 Tablespoons of Cocoa Butter
2 Teaspoons of Rosewater

Preparation And Application Method:

Melt cocoa butter and almond oil together in the boiler. After some time, turn off the flame. Then, add honey and rosewater to the ingredients. Blend all these ingredients together. Let the mixture be cooled for few minutes. Apply this night cream on the regular basis to your skin. This fantastic night cream works great for dry skin.

3. Glycerin And Rosewater:


1 Tablespoon of Glycerin
2 Tablespoons of Rosewater
1 Tablespoon of coconut Oil
1 Tablespoon of Almond Oil

Preparation And Application Method:

Add coconut oil and almond oil in the double boiler. Heat the oils for some time. Turn off the flame. Then, add glycerin and rose water to the mixture. Gently apply this night cream to your face and neck on a regular basis for enjoying the beautiful skin.

4. Avocado And Yogurt:


1 Avocado
½ Cup Yogurt

Preparation And Application Method:

In a small bowl, mash the avocado. Add yogurt to the mashed avocado. Combine these ingredients thoroughly to get the smooth paste. Spread this night cream evenly on your neck and face. Keep applying this night cream for two times in a week.

5. Aloe Vera Gel And Green Tea:


1 Teaspoon of Aloe Vera Gel
1 Teaspoon of Green Tea
1 Tablespoon of Almond Oil
1 Tablespoon of Rosewater
1 Teaspoon Coconut Oil
1 Tablespoon Beeswax

Preparation And Application Method:

Add almond oil and beeswax in the double boiler. Heat the mixture for few minutes. Then, remove the concoction from the flame. Now, add the aloe vera gel, coconut oil and green tea to the mixture. This night cream works wonder in removing the impurities from your skin.

6. Lavender Oil With Aloe Vera Gel:


1 Teaspoon of Lavender Oil
2 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel

Preparation And Application Method:

Add lavender oil and aloe vera gel in a small container. Mix them together. Apply the resultant smooth night cream on your neck and face. Provide a gentle massage to your skin with this night cream in the circular motions.

7. Apple With Olive Oil And Rosewater:


1 Apple
1 Teaspoon of Olive Oil
4 or 5 Tablespoons of Rosewater

Preparation And Application Method:

Chop the apple finely into 2 halves. Then, deseed the apples. Now, cut the apples into very small pieces. Then, add these apple pieces and olive oil to the blender. Combine the mixture for some time. Then, heat the mixture in the boiler on the low flame. Then, turn off the flame and add rose water to the mixture. Blend all these ingredients together. And let the mixture be cooled for some time. This amazing night cream is highly effective in nourishing your skin.

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