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5 Ways To Cure Gout


Gout is a very painful disease which causes inflammation in one or more joints. The main cause of this disease is uric acid. The body produces uric acid which is quite harmless. Most of it is flushed out through urine and some of it is eliminated through the feces. But when a build up of uric acid in the blood takes place it gets deposited in the form of tiny grit like crystals in the joint. The tiny grits irritate the tissues in the joints and cause inflammation, pain and tenderness.

Normally a fine balance is maintained between the amount of uric acid produced and the amount that is flushed out of the body. This controls the level of uric acid in the blood but if the kidneys do not pass out enough uric acid then the level of it rises in the blood. The buildup of uric acid can also be attributed to other factors such as drinking too much alcohol, vitamin C deficiency, too much of sugar sweetened soft drinks, certain foods like herrings, mussels and sardines and certain diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and vascular disorders.

5 Best Cures For Gout


It is necessary to augment the level of vitamin C in the body and remove its deficiency. Vitamin C is indispensable to the body. Its antioxidant nature removes all the harmful toxins from the body and enhances the function of the kidneys.

The kidneys are enabled to pass out the excess uric acid and reduce its level in the blood. Deseed five to six amlas and extract their juice in a juice extractor. Drink the juice everyday to keep yourself well fortified with vitamin C.


Drink ten to twelve glasses of water everyday to maintain the level of uric acid in the blood. Water keeps the flow of urine frequent and as a result more and more uric acid is flushed out of the kidneys.

Water also prevents the crystallization of uric acid and thus eliminates the chances of it being deposited in the synovial fluid of the joint.

Apple Juice

Extract the juice of fresh apples in a juice extractor and drink three glasses of it daily. Apples are full of valuable nutrients like vitamin C and beta-carotene and have astounding amounts of phyto-nutrients, flavonoids and polyphenols which have excellent antioxidant properties.

They not only detoxify the body but also neutralize the uric acid in the blood and prevent flare ups of gout.

Methi Seeds

Grind some methi seeds to a fine powder and store it in an airtight jar. Every morning, swallow one teaspoon of methi powder with a glass of warm water. Methi has been used since time unknown for its powerful healing and curative powers.

It is full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which reduce the inflammation and tenderness in the joint and mitigate the pain to a large extent.

Carrot Juice

It is a good idea to give up alcohol totally and strengthen your body with refreshing and nourishing juices. Carrots have the ability to neutralize the acid which causes gout. Drink three glasses of fresh carrot juice daily.

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