Categories: How To

How To Cure Hiccups


Hiccups occur by sudden and involuntarily contraction of diaphragm in association with simultaneous contraction of larynx and closure of the glottis that blocks the air flow. Medically hiccups are termed as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF) or singultus. Hiccups usually occur quickly and get resolved on their own, but when they remain continuous for long and do not seem to stop, they become very bothersome.

Sufferers will not leave any stone unturned in order to stop the persistent hiccups that have become more of a nuisance. These rarely may be due to an underlying condition that may require medical attention. There are various effective solutions to cure them and one can easily follow them and get a respite.

Vital Ways To Get Cured From Hiccups

Holding Breath

Breathing in and holding the breath for around 10 seconds and then breathing out slowly may help to get relieved from hiccups. One must repeat it for 3 to 4 times after a gap of twenty minutes. One needs to inhale in and swallow in the air till it cannot be inhaled further and then hold it there.

The buildup of carbon dioxide in the lungs will cause the diaphragm to relax and alleviates hiccups. Air is being blown out from lungs alone as nose and mouth remains blocked for a few seconds. This is found to be very effective in reducing hiccups by 50%.

Plugging Your Ears

Stick your fingers into the ears and plug it for 20 to 30seconds or one may press the soft region behind the ear lobes at the base of the skull. This aids in sending a relax signal via the vagus nerve that is involved in hiccup generation as it directly connects to the diaphragm.

Hand Distraction

Press the palm of one hand with the thumb of the other hand as hard as one can. Alternatively, one can even squeeze the ball of left thumb between the forefinger and thumb of right hand.

The point is to generate a discomfort that serves as a distraction for the nervous system and offer relief from unending hiccups.

Stick Out The Tongue

Sticking out of tongue is the usual method followed by actors and singers as it helps in stimulating the vocal cords (glottis) and allows for smooth breathing in, thereby quelling the hiccups causing spasms. That is also referred as open mouth swallowing method of curing hiccups.

Gulping Down Water

Drink 9 to 10 fast sips from a glass, majorly when one expect a hiccup to come. Gulping down water causes the rhythmic contractions of esophagus to override the diaphragm spasm, decreasing the hiccups frequency and eventually putting an end to it within 3 minutes time.

Be careful while gulping high amounts of water that chest area should be loosely clothed to avoid any chest tightening during the process. If one can even plug the ears while gulping water, it proves to be even more beneficial. Plugging the ears with fingers and sipping through a straw offers dual benefits of pressing the vagus nerve and promoting steady swallowing.

Vinegar Or Lemon Slice

Putting a few drops of vinegar or placing a thin lemon slice over the tongue and sucking it like a sweet candy have also shown to reduce and eliminate hiccups in certain cases.

In spite of above solutions, if hiccups fail to get cured, then it could possibly be because of some underlying condition that must be monitored and treated through medical intervention.

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