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15 Ways To Cures Rosacea Effectively


Rosacea can affect men and women of all ages and leads to enlarged blood vessels on the face. It takes the appearance of red or flushed skin and is caused by extreme temperatures, food sensitivities and other lesser known causes. 

Along with the conventional choices of medications and treatment, Rosacea can also be treated with effective home remedies. Given below are some effective and simple remedies to cure Rosacea. However, remember to consult your primary care physician and learn how to steer clear of any unexpected side effects or allergic reactions.

15 Various Ways To Cures Rosacea Effectively

Cucumber Mask

Rosacea can be cured by using a soothing face mask made from fresh cucumber. Make a smooth face mask of thick consistency. You can pass cubes of freshly cut cucumber through a liquidizer and blend it to the required consistency.

Apply with gentle strokes on all affected areas of the face and leave on for thirty minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Regular use of fresh cucumber face pack will bring about positive results in a few weeks.

Chamomile Compress

Chamomile oil compress goes a long way in reducing the redness linked with Rosacea and is widely used for dealing with chronic Rosacea flare-ups. Mix a few drops of organic chamomile oil in half a cup of water and cool the mixture in a fridge.

Dip a soft cloth in this mixture and apply on areas affected by Rosacea flare-ups. This mild compress can be applied for 15-20 minutes and provides soothing results. People allergic to chamomile oil should avoid this home remedy.

Apple Mask

Freshly made apple mask is a natural and tender method of looking after this concerning skin condition.

Crush a large sized apple in a blender and apply the resultant mask on all affected areas of the face and neck, Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off with cool water. Regular use of apple masks alleviates the aggravating signs of Rosacea—in more ways than one.

Turmeric And Coriander Paste

Home remedies are very helpful in treating the causes of Rosacea. Mix four teaspoons of coriander powder with two teaspoons of turmeric powder. Add two tablespoons of milk and make a fine paste.

Store this mixture in the fridge and apply two times a day for best results. This herbal treatment can be left on for 10-15 minutes at a stretch.

Horse Chestnut

People suffering from the symptoms of Rosacea are positively affected by the healing properties of water chestnut.

This essential ingredient forms a valuable component of lotions and creams used for treating Rosacea. Water chestnut cream can be applied 2-3 times across the day.

Red Clover

Red clover provides one of the safest home remedies for treating Rosacea. It alleviates the signs of redness and reduces irritation. If taken twice a day, red clover helps in obtaining the desired results, in a speedy and effective manner.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has numerous therapeutic properties and is also used for the treatment of Rosacea. The extract of Aloe Vera is very effective in reducing the redness caused by Rosacea.

Its anti-inflammatory properties are being used to manufacture formulated creams and lotions for the treatment of Rosacea and other skin disorders. Using Aloe Vera 2-3 times a day gives best results.

Grape seed

The extract of grape seeds helps in the formation of collagen. It boasts of several anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can be taken three times a day. (50 mg).

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil boasts of valuable antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used as a powerful home remedy for the treatment of Rosacea as well.

The oil of tea tree can be used directly on the affected area. Regular use of tea tree oil helps in the alleviation of skin diseases and Rosacea.

Green Tea

Rubbing green tree over areas suffering from Rosacea is an excellent way of getting rid of its aggravating symptoms.

The anti carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of green tea are very effective in taking care of Rosacea. Mild green tea compresses are very useful and can be used regularly for good results.


Lesser known, but an excellent option for the treatment of Rosacea, oatmeal helps in soothing inflamed skin and reducing itching, redness and other signs of Rosacea.

Take half a cup of water and add two tablespoons of oatmeal. Make into a paste and leave on or rub over the affected areas of the face for ten minutes.

Flaxseed Oil

The essential fatty acids present in flaxseed oil help in the reduction of inflammation caused by Rosacea. You can take up to one teaspoon of flaxseed oil thrice a day.

Rose Hip Oil

Rose hip oil provides effective home based remedies for scores of skin problems. While you can treat scars, eczema, sunburns, blisters and more with rose hip oil, you can also see its positive effects on Rosacea ridden skin.

Several drops of this oil needs to be applied on the contaminated areas of the face for effective results.

Cold Compresses

Cold compresses are equally effective in treating the redness and burning sensations caused by Rosacea. Soak three bags of chamomile tea in a cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for ten minutes.

Place the resultant tea in the freezer and allow it to cool. Cold compresses are very useful for imparting a soothing effect and providing instant relief to people suffering from Rosacea.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar can be used as a powerful and effective home based remedy for treating Rosacea. Regular application or intake of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar helps in getting rid of the signs of Rosacea.

Rosacea can be really painful and cause great concerns. Apart from making your skin look dull and listless it also leads to inferiority complex and makes you feel embarrassed in front of your family members, friends and peers. The agonizing signs and symptoms of Rosacea can be cured by these simple but effective remedies that go a long way in making you look better and feel more confident about yourself. Start trying these remedies today and prepare yourself to look better than ever before.

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