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Warts look ugly and unpleasant, and can be frustrating as there is no definite cure for them. They are benign growths on the skin that are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) which is infectious and passes from person to person. Most warts appear as rough, skin-colored growths, but they can also be smooth, dark and flat. They can show up in different areas of the body such as fingers, soles of the feet, or on genital areas which is considered a sexually transmitted disease.
Warts tend to disappear on their own in most children, but tend to linger on grownups. The HPV virus affects different people differently; some may develop warts while others may not. A weak immune system seems to be more of an open invitation to warts. A wart may grow as a single entity, or it may grow in bunches. It is more of a cosmetic problem, though it may cause discomfort at certain places of your body due to constant rubbing and friction. If you have this problem and you want to get rid of warts, these simple methods will help you get rid of them effectively.
You can get yourself an over-the-counter wart removing solution which contains salicylic acid. For proper application, first soak the affected area in water for around five minutes. Now, wipe dry and apply salicylic acid using a brush. Leave it on for whole day and later peel it off.
This application should be repeated thrice a week for best results. You can rub the wart gently with an emery board before every application. Apply the acid only on the wart as it can burn the normal skin around it. Regular application will help cure the wart and remove it completely.
You can use a duct tape to get rid of the warts. Stick a piece over the wart and let it remain there, and change it daily. This seems to block the air supply to the wart and helps cure it.
This cure actually works very well and it can be enhanced by first applying some salicylic acid, or imiquimod %% cream, and then covering the wart with a duct tape.
You can use aloe vera juice as it helps cure the warts. Aloe vera juice contains natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which makes it one of the best methods to remove warts. Apply aloe vera juice topically on the affected areas every day till the warts finally fall off. To make this method more effective, soak a cotton ball in aloe vera juice and secure over the wart with a tape.
Change the dressing every morning after a bath. This is a painless method of wart removal and cure. Also, drink aloe juice regularly as it helps boost your immunity, thus preventing HPV virus from attacking your system. Raw aloe vera gel can also be used to cure warts, instead of its juice.
Oregano oil contains strong antifungal properties and helps to cure warts upon regular application. Warm some oregano oil slightly and apply to the wart using a cotton ball. Secure it in place with a duct tape in order to get better results.
Apply every night before going to bed and wash off in the morning, until the wart falls off. You can also consume this oil by adding 3 to 4 drops to a little water. This helps to boost your immunity and prevent HPV infections, thus curing warts effectively.
Apple cider vinegar is another natural cure that can be used to treat warts effectively. Soak a cotton ball in some pure apple cider vinegar, press out the extra liquid, and then apply over the wart.
Secure it in place with a duct tape or a strip of gauze. It is convenient to apply this at night and wash it off in the morning, though you could leave it on for the whole day as well. It will take at least two weeks of regular application to cure the wart completely.
Bananas can be used to cure warts as they contain an enzyme that kills the wart. You will need to take a banana peel and scrape out the inside whitish mush. This should be applied over the warts twice a day. Always wash your hand properly after handling the warts as the infection can spread. Repeat this application till the warts fall off.
Garlic contains strong antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, which makes it the perfect candidate for curing warts. It’s easily available in every home, so you don’t even have to step out and get it especially for this purpose.
Simply rub a crushed garlic clove over the wart and cover the area with a bandage at night. This helps kill the HPV virus at the site and provides an effective cure for warts. You can also consume same raw garlic cloves or capsules every day to get its best health benefits.
It is very easy to get some vitamin C tablets and keep them handy to cure warts as any member from your family, especially children, may develop them. Just crush a vitamin C tablet and add the contents to a little water.
Mix well and apply this paste over the warts at night just before going to bed. Cover with a bandage and remove in the morning. It can cause a little irritation, but helps to cure warts effectively. Regular application will destroy the HPV virus at the site.
When you want to remove a wart, basil is one of the best cures as it has strong anti-viral components that help kill the HPV virus at site. Crush a few basil leaves with a pestle until you get a juicy paste.
Apply this over the warts and cover with a bandage. You will need to apply this paste regularly for at least two weeks in order to cure the infection completely.
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