How To Fight Diabetes With Naturopathy


Increased hunger and thirst is a sign that a person may have diabetes. It is often observed that most people remain unaware that they have this disease. It is a chance discovery that on doing the test for some other disease that a person finds out that he or she has diabetes. The blood sugar levels become very high leading to several types of symptoms. Medical treatment is important to treat this problem. Sometimes, the medicines given for diabetes reduce the sugar levels to very low thus causing further problems. Some people like to take naturopathy treatment for dealing with diabetes. It involves some natural remedies and treatment methods. We will give some tips for naturopathy treatment of this problem.

Following Are Some Useful Tips On How To Fight Diabetes With Naturopathy:

Take Fenugreek Seeds

The intake of fenugreek seeds helps in reducing blood sugar levels in a natural way.[1] Soak the seeds in water for a few hours or overnight and eat it on the next day. Take twenty-five grams fenugreek seeds at one time. You can also take fenugreek powder with water.

Take A Diabetic Diet

People who suffer from diabetes should take complex carbohydrates.[2] Take fewer amounts of foods that contain fat and sugar. Avoid high-calorie foods. Instead of saturated fats, you should take polyunsaturated fats. Include lentils, green leafy vegetables, and fibrous foods in your diet. Minimize the intake of milk and nuts. Avoid sweets and desserts.

Hydrotherapy Treatment

Hydrotherapy treatment for diabetes involves using footbath for fighting the problem of feet ulcer. For this, the patient has to dip and soak the feet in warm water.[3] Ensure that the temperature of the water is below hundred and two degree Fahrenheit. It is beneficial to take footbath with cold water after soaking the feet in warm water.

Mud Therapy

Mud therapy involves using clay or mud poultice.[4] For this, you need to dry some white clay or mud in the sunlight. Mix sand and sieve it. Clean the mud and make a pack or poultice with it. Apply the mudpack on your body. The use of mudpack helps in improving metabolism and removing toxins from the body.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy helps in decreasing stress while improving the general health of a diabetic patient.[5] This helps in fighting the complications related to diabetes in an indirect way. It helps in relaxing the mind and body and improving emotional health. It can reduce anxiety and depression too.

Yoga Therapy

The malfunctioning of pancreas is the main cause of diabetes. Yoga therapy helps in fighting with this problem quite well by helping in the normal functioning of the pancreas.[6] Yoga involves doing some postures or body movements with controlled breathing. Doing yoga regularly provides relief in diabetes. Good results of yoga are visible in 2-3 months.


Pranayam is a breathing exercise in yoga that is very useful for fighting problems caused by diabetes. When you do pranayam regularly, it reduces blood sugar levels while busting fat deposits in the body.[7] The breathing exercise also helps in decreasing stress levels, which helps in dealing with diabetes complications in a better way. It relaxes the body and mind.


Sunbathing helps in reducing symptoms of diabetes. Exposure to sunlight can decrease blood sugar levels just like insulin.[8] Research has shown that Vitamin D present in sunlight helps infants in stopping the start of diabetes in the adult years. Thus, you should sit in the sunlight to do sunbathing.

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