How To Get Rid Of Freckles Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Freckles Naturally

Precipitation of certain pigments in a specific region of skin may result in the formation of flat, round and dark circles which may vary in size from 1 to 2 millimeters which is commonly known as freckles. If the problem of freckles is running within your family it can be inherited to you too as these are considered as one of the hereditary disease.

Mostly the freckles are noticed on the area exposed to sunlight and may increase when exposed for a longer time. Usually freckles are noticed on the facial skins.  Even though freckles are not a serious illness, people affected by this may feel distressed. Freckles can be treated very easily by taking simple home made medicines or following simple remedies.

Causes of Freckles

Disorders like Xeroderma Pigmentosum can result in increased sensitivity towards sunlight and ultra violet radiation and hence may cause freckles.

Extended exposure to the sunlight can result in freckles and is one of the main causes for the disease. This is the mainly noticed cause for freckles in fair skinned persons.

Freckles can also be caused due to some imbalance in the hormonal levels. Freckles may appear in some because of the use of certain cosmetics and is another reason behind this problem. Tanning of skin can lead to worsening of the problem.

Home Remedies For Freckles

Freckles can be removed completely and efficiently by following any of the below stated home remedies.

Sour Cream Or Sour Milk

Applying a layer of sour cream or sour milk over the affected areas of skin is found to be very effective in removing the freckles. This can be wiped out instead of rinsing it completely which is helpful in curing them completely. This is an important remedy for freckles. Applying buttermilk is also found to be beneficial in removing freckles.

Milk Cream

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is proved to be useful in eradicating the problem of freckles. Freshly extracted lemon juice can be applied over the affected areas of skin and can be kept for about five minutes. This can be sustained until a considerable change is noticed. This is another valuable home remedy.

Lemon juice


Honey is another important medicine for curing the freckles. A little of honey can be heated and can be applied over the infected areas of face. Rub the area with your fingers smoothly. A pinch of wheat germ can be mixed to the heated honey before application which is helpful in the complete cure of freckles. Rinse off the mixture after some time using water.


Parsley Juice

A small amount of parsley juice can be mixed along with a little each of lemon juice and orange juice. This mixture can be rubbed over the affected parts of skin before applying your preferred creams. This is an important remedy in curing the freckles fully and most efficiently.

Parsley Juice

Castor Oil

Castor oil is proved to be helpful in the treatment of freckles. A little of castor oil or Vitamin E oil can be applied over the dark spots which is another main home cure in the case of freckles.

Castor Oil

Fresh Fruits

A regular intake of fresh fruits like strawberries, apricots etc. and fresh vegetables is found to be very useful in reducing the freckles. This can help in the gradual lightening of the spots.



Onion is one of the anciently used remedy in curing freckles. A small slice of onion especially red onion can be rubbed over the affected areas of skin and this can be continued till a change is noticed or till the spots fades.


Turmeric And Sesame Seeds

A mixture can be prepared by grinding equal amounts of turmeric and sesame seeds. This paste can be applied over the dark spots and then can be washed off using cold water. This is one of the chief remedies for freckles.


Yellow Mustard Seeds

Yellow mustard is regarded as an important remedy for freckles. A few amounts of yellow mustard can be grinded well to prepare a paste. This paste can be applied over the spots before going to sleep and can be rinsed off in the morning.

Yellow Mustard Seeds

Horseradish juice

Horseradish juice is very effective in healing the problem of freckles. Horseradish juice can be rubbed smoothly over the involved parts of the skin. Rubbing oatmeal can be also helpful in removing the dark spots. This can be rinsed off later using clean water.



Currants are another excellent remedy in the case of freckles. About two to three tablespoons of currants especially red currants can be mixed along with a tablespoon of fresh honey. This mixture can be applied over your face and can be cleaned later using fresh water. This is helpful in removing the spots at a faster rate.

Current seed

Vitamin C

Increased intake of Vitamin C rich food items can be considered beneficial in curing the problems of freckles. Vitamin C rich food items like guavas, broccoli, cauliflower etc. can be added abundantly in the daily diet of the affected person.

Vitamin c


Almonds are beneficial in curing freckles. Two to three almonds can be grinded along with a little of milk and this can be applied over your face which is found to be helpful in removing the spots as well as other skin diseases.



Lentils are identified to be one of the chief home remedies in the case of freckles. About a tablespoon of lentils can be immersed in water for a night and this can be pounded with a small amount of milk. This concoction can be used in the treatment for freckles which is very effective and commonly used remedy.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is proved to be valuable in the treatment of freckles. Freshly extracted juice of Aloe Vera leaves can be used for rubbing over the freckles. This can be done once or twice in a day and can be continued for about 2 to 3 weeks. This is one among the effective remedies for the freckles.

Aloe Vera Gel

Cucumber Juice

A small amount of freshly made cucumber juice can be mixed with two to three tablespoons of milk. This can be applied on the dark spots and can be left for 10 minutes. This can be continued till a considerable change is observed. Cucumber plus yogurt mask is also beneficial in removing freckles.

Cucumber Juice

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.