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5 Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs


Ingrown hairs are commonly seen in teenagers and adults. They generally occur on shaved areas such as the face, armpit, neck, legs and the pubic region. When the sharp tip of the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin of the hair follicle, a small pink bump appears under the skin. Sometimes the small pinpoint of the underlying hair is also visible under the skin bump. This is known as ingrown hair.

In areas that are frequently shaved multiple red or pink bumps around the hair follicle are often seen. When the hair is cut very short and very close to the skin, the sharp tip that is created, easily pierces the skin to cause ingrown hair. The main cause of ingrown hair is improper shaving methods including waxing and other hair removal methods. Friction from tight clothing worsens the situation and the area becomes extremely itchy and tender. The bumps can also fill up with pus and get worse as the hairs grow back. Though this condition is benign it causes great cosmetic concern.

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs


Use a vinegar soak to get rid of infection and the ingrown hairs naturally. Mix white vinegar and water in equal quantities and soak the affected area for ten minutes.

Take a small napkin and wet it in the solution then rub the soaked areas with it for five minutes. This will exfoliate any dead skin cells that may be contributing to ingrown hairs and will eliminate bacteria.

Pluck The Hair

If the ingrown hair is exposed, you can pluck it out gently and promote healing. Use a pair of sterilized tweezers and pluck the hair out neatly.

Do not use scissors or nail clippers as these will not remove the full hair and will only worsen the problem by leaving a short hair embedded inside the skin. After plucking the hair, rub some pure coconut oil to protect the area from infection.

Warm Compresses

Heat some water and dip a soft towel into it. Wring out the excess water and fold the towel to form a compress. Apply the hot compress to the affected area for fifteen minutes then take a wet napkin and rub the area with it to exfoliate the skin.

Dothis, for five minutes then pat your skin dry. Remove some gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and rub it all over the affected area to promote healing.

Exfoliate The Area With Besan

Take some besan and mix it with curd to form a paste. Cover the affected area with paste and leave it to dry. Scrub off the paste with a little pressure so that it will remove all the dead skin cells, dirt and oil that keep the hair trapped inside. The scrub can even nudge the tip of the hair out of you skin. Do this once daily.

Sugar And Olive Oil Scrub

Mix sugar and olive oil together until you get a thick consistency. Scrub the affected area and exfoliate the skin with this mixture twice daily to help the hair to rise to the skin’s surface. Rub gently so that you do not damage the skin.

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