Categories: How To

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes


There are many problems and diseases an individual goes through and in India there are many creatures which might harm an individual. Mosquitoes are tiny and petty in size but, sometimes harmful. They belong to the household called culicidae and create a nuisance everywhere. They suck blood out of the living organisms which includes humans also. Mainly the female mosquitoes tend to suck blood out as they need to suck for the evolvement of prolific egg and they tend to transfer germs for diseases like malaria, dengue, filariasis.

They are found in every corner of the environment and an individual with a raised amount of cholesterol towards the upper layer of the epidermis tend to appeal them at a higher rate. They tend to target the highly acidic people, especially with an extra uric acid. Mosquitoes have a very good sense of smelling and get attracted to foods very easily. Mosquitoes tend to make elderly people as their targets since they emit a larger amount of carbon dioxide and ladies who are pregnant are very prone to mosquito bites. Mosquitoes tend to create discomfort to an individual at their time of work, relaxation etc. There are various ways to keep away from them and they are:-

Various Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Benefits Of Oil

The oil derived from the leaves of the tea tree is very beneficial and effective for the people being affected with the discomfort caused by the mosquitoes. The oil from the leaves of the tea tree acts as a multi repellant like the moisturizer etc and in a long run minimizes the effect of eczema and fungal contaminations. This oil helps the body to keep away from various insects and parasites. The bites and the discomfort caused can be all smoothened with the help of this oil.

The oil should be diluted with help of water before use and should be applied on a routine basis. The oil can be diluted and sprinkled next to the plants and trees to avoid mosquitoes and can be even used over the pets and towards the household area. The oil might have side effects henceforth causing allergy and it might be harmful since it is toxic in nature.

Staying In A Clean Environment

clean surrounding is very important for an individual at home or work and a clean environment is desired by every person. A clean surrounding brings a positive thinking and is very important to stay healthy. Mosquitoes and flies tend to get attracted towards dirty areas and corners causing discomfort to people. Mosquitoes and flies get very easily attracted by water so the water should not clog anywhere.

If there is an increment in the number of mosquitoes due to stagnant liquid, few tablets could be just tossed in order to get rid of them. The water should not be left over an area and the manholes and other drainage areas should be all covered. Stagnant water helps the mosquitoes to enhance the production of the eggs and proper measures should be adopted to keep them away.

Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites
Different Types Of Spices That Repel Mosquitoes
14 Practical Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite Relief

Using Banana Peel

The skin of the banana is very effective in keeping away from mosquitoes and behaves as a repellant. The skin should be removed and should be directly applied over the body for a span of few minutes to keep away from itching and dead skin.

The neurotransmitter which helps in smelling is same as the drosophilia flies and according to the experts these flies abstains the fragrance of a compound present in the bananas. This is also present is various fruits like strawberries, etc and this helps to get away from such compounds.


The garlic has been a traditional way of dealing with the mosquitoes and cannot be proved to be the only way of keeping away from mosquitoes. In the olden days this was seen to scare away the vampires and it keeps an individual protected. It has been noticed firstly that garlic contains various chemicals which it secretes and it is very unfriendly to the mosquitoes and flies.

Secondly it has been noticed that the strong fragrance of this keeps the mosquitoes away from its targeted ones. The garlic sprays are recommended to be used over the human and the plants to keep away from the flies and mosquitoes and henceforth the strong chemicals present in it might lead to a few side effects. An increased consumption of garlic makes it go deep through the skin layers and the strong breath helps in getting away from them.

Magic Of Organic Effect

There are few healthy and organic ways to keep away from mosquitoes like firstly the basil plant is very effective in getting rid of mosquitoes. The basil leaves can be eaten raw or a direct application can help an individual keep away from mosquitoes. Secondly, the lemongrass plant is easily available and is a known repellent for the flies and the mosquitoes. Thirdly the rosemary plant is very effective and even helps in the treatment of bites.

Fifthly, the catnip plant is the most beneficial and effective and beats the known repellent sprays. Sixthly, the marigold flowers are very effective since their smell is generally not liked and it keeps the bugs and the insects away. These plants when grown around the house, are highly beneficial and can be even used for decorative purposes. For an instant reaction or a result these plants can be grinded and used or they can be directly applied towards the prone areas.

Adopting Certain Ways

Firstly, a wave of arms in the air, signals the mosquitoes about the caution and a grab of a mosquito can help to get away from them. Secondly, a mosquito racket is available which is either done with metal or pliable and has wires attached.

This racket has an inbuilt system of killing them and these can be swung in the air to kill the mosquitoes. Thirdly, mosquitoes can be made dead by the clap of an individual’s hands.

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