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9 Ways To Get Rid Of Pimples


Pimples, also known as zits are basically a common skin problem that we all face at some point in our life. The main cause of pimples is clogged pores due to excess sebum secretion from sebaceous glands. Our skin has open pores on the upper layer that gets clogged when oil glands are infected with bacteria and filled with pus causing swelling and inflammation.

However, it is not a chronic problem but pimples leave scars behind and decrease beauty quotient. Mostly, teenagers get easily affected by this problem. Excess oil secretion from sebaceous glands, clogged pores, layer of dead skin cells, unhealthy eating habits, lack of hygiene, dust, pollution are some common factors that lead to pimples. Well, pimples can be cured at home easily with an extra attention and care.

9 Easy Ways To Get Rid of For Pimples


Toothpaste is one of the easiest ways to get rid of pimples. It not only takes care of your teeth but also eliminates pimples effectively. Just take little amount of normal white toothpaste (not gel toothpaste) that you use for brushing your teeth generally.

Apply it on the pimples gently and leave for overnight. Next morning, wash it off with plain water. It helps in reducing swelling and inflammation as well as makes pimple dry quickly.


Honey is a natural healer as it contains wonderful anti-oxidants, anti-septic, antibiotic and anti-aging properties that promote healing process of skin.

It also protects skin from infections and if you are facing problem of pimples, then honey can surely help you a lot.Simply apply honey on the affected area and leave for at least 30 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Use it on regular basis to get rid of pimples.


Nutmeg is a good source of vitamin A, B and C, protein and various minerals. It contains anti-bacterial properties that help in curing pimples naturally at home. It not only promotes healing process of skin but also provides pimple free and glowing skin.

Just take 3-4 nutmegs and grind them to make fine powder. Add some milk or water to this powder to make fine paste. Apply it on your skin gently and leave it on for 10 min. only and then wash your skin with water thoroughly. Repeat it once a week on regular basis for visible outcomes.


Ice is the coolest and easiest way to combat pimples. It regulates proper blood flow to the affected area. It opens up and freezes the pores as well as removes excess oil, dirt and impurities that lead to formation of pimples. It soothes the skin reducing inflammation and swelling.

Take an ice cube or crushed ice and wrap it in clean cloth. Then put it on pimples for few seconds and then repeat it after gap of 5 min. Make sure that skin does not come in direct contact with ice as it can cause burning sensation.


Mint has high content of vitamin A and C with vitamin B6, several minerals and antioxidants that help in treating pimples gently and making skin soft and healthy. It soothes skin and reduces redness, irritation and inflammation as well.

Take some fresh mint leaves and grind them to make paste. Simply put it on your face and leave for 30-45 minutes before washing it off. If you have dry skin, then add some honey to this paste to moisturize the skin. In case of oily skin, you can add fullers earth (multan mitti) or chick pea flour (besan) to this paste. It will help you in getting rid of pimples and improve your skin as well.


Basil, commonly known as ‘Tulsi’ is amazing herb that is effective in treating pimples and scars as it contains vitamin A, B, C, E and K, protein and different nutritional minerals as well as possesses antioxidants, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It is widely used in medicines for treating skin problems.

Pick some fresh basil leaves, wash them and grind to make fine paste. Apply this paste on your skin, leave for 30 minutes and then wash it off with plain water thoroughly. Use this remedy everyday to get rid of pimples quickly.


Lemon contains high content of citric acid and vitamin C as well as acts as a natural astringent. It clarifies skin deeply and removes excess oil, dirt and impurities that are root causes of pimples. It makes skin clean and clear treating pimples naturally. Thus, lemon is one of the easy and effective ways to get rid of pimples.

Take 1 lemon and squeeze out fresh juice from it and dip one cotton swab in lemon juice. Then simply apply it on the affected area. Use it every night before bed and leave for overnight. Wash it off next morning with water. It will decrease formation of pimples and dry them faster.


Peppermint is wonderful herb that works best on pimples as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that help skin in recovering from pimples. Due to presence of menthol, it soothes skin reducing inflammation and redness caused by pimples.Take some fresh peppermint leaves and wash them well. Then crush leaves and squeeze out the juice. Apply this juice on your pimples directly and leave for 15 minutes.

Wash it off with cool water. It will instantly soothe your skin.Apart from that you can use peppermint oil for this purpose as well. It is also enriched with amazing essential fatty acids and several vitamins that heal skin problems effectively. Simply apply peppermint oil onto your pimples with fingertips and massage gently for few seconds. Then wash your face with water.

Fenugreek Leaves

Fenugreek is very effective in treating pimples as it reduces inflammation and helps in proper healing of skin. Grind some fresh and well washed fenugreek leaves to make paste. Apply it on your face before going to bed and leave it on for overnight.

Next morning, wash your face with warm water and pat your skin dry with soft towel. Use it daily and within 2-3 weeks you will notice significant changes.

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