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5 Ways To Get Rid Of Ringworm


Ringworm is a common and very contagious skin infection caused by fungi which live off keratin. Keratin is a hard waterproof tissue mostly found on the skin nails and hair. The fungi are tiny spores which are very sturdy and can survive for months on the skin, or on any other household object. They cause a red ring-like rash on the skin. The patches of rash turn sore and scaly and cause severe itching.

The rings spread outwards and there can be several patches of ringworm and in severe cases the skin becomes raised and blistered. The rings grow bigger in size and they can merge together. Blisters and pus filled sores appear around the rings and when the pus is released the sores become crusty. Though ringworm can appear anywhere on the body, it is commonly found on the scalp, groin and feet. This fungal infection is easily spread by skin to skin contact or by using the infected person’s combs, brushes, towels and other personal articles.

5 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Ringworm

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for ringworm. This oil has powerful antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties which can destroy the fungus easily and hasten the healing process.

Tea tree oil also helps to dry out the blisters quickly and alleviates the itching considerably. Dip a cotton wad into some tea tree oil and dab it all over the ringworm patches twice daily.

How To Treat Ringworm
Herbal remedies For Ringworm

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has great infection fighting abilities. It also brings tremendous relief in the itching and burning and keeps the inflamed skin cool and dry.

Dip a cotton ball into some apple cider vinegar and apply it all over the infected area three or four times daily. Daily application will help you get rid of the ringworm very quickly.

White Vinegar And Salt

Make a paste with salt and white vinegar and cover all the patches with a layer of this paste. Let the paste dry then after half an hour, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Apply the paste two or three times daily and in about two weeks’ time your infection will clear off completely.

How To Cure Ringworm
Top Home Remedies To Cure Ring Worm


Boil two cups of water and steep four or five blades of fresh lemongrass into it for ten minutes. Strain the tea. Drink one cup of the tea and apply the rest all over the infected areas with a cotton ball.

Do this, three times a day. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of lemongrass will not only kill the fungus but it will also heal the red and itchy patches very quickly.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an antidote to innumerable diseases and disorders. It is especially very good for the skin as it can deal with all kinds of skin diseases and infections.

Its powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties help to get rid of the ringworm quickly and effectively. Rub the fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf all over the ringworm patches as frequently as possible.

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