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Skin Tags are small fleshy evolutions that droop out of skin and look like warts. These tags can be seen anywhere in the body but most likely to be found on neck, in the armpits, or may be under the breasts. Being overweight is directly associated with skin tags as it is the main cause of this problem.
This disease can also be caused because of heredity. Diabetic patients and pregnant women are more prone to this disease. There is no specific symptom for it unless the skin is scratched and rubbed repeatedly. Skin tags don’t look good on the skin and is best if treated using natural ways. Here are some ways which can help in getting rid of skin tags.
Ways To Get Rid Of Skin Tags
Mixture Of Baking Soda And Castor Oil
Prepare a mixture of baking soda and castor oil and make a dry paste. First clean the skin tag, and then apply this dry paste directly on the skin tag.
Cover the skin tag with a band and remove it after a few hours. Repeat this process at regular intervals. The tags start fading in a few weeks. Though this method does not give instant results, it is still used as it has a long term effect.
Tea Tree Oil
This natural herb is known for treating various types of skin diseases and is an age old remedy. Tea tree oil is a natural and extremely simple method to get rid of skin tags. Soak a cotton ball in clean water, and then add few drops of oil on the cotton ball.
Rub the cotton ball gently on the skin tag in circular motions, such that the tea tree oil completely soaks the tag. Wait for a few minutes and then wash with warm water.
Nail Polish
Nail Polish is the easiest and most economical way to treat skin tags. Firstly skin tags have to be cleaned with slightly warm water. Then let the skin tag dry before you start the nail polish treatment.
Drop the nail polish on the skin tag, covering the tag completely. Let the polish dry before rubbing it. Repeat this activity at least twice a day, this will cause the tag to contract and vanish within a few days.
Onion Juice And Lemon Juice
Cut an onion into pieces and keep it in a bowl overnight with little salt sprinkled on it. Salt exudes water out of onion. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash it with warm water.
If the onion odour troubles you, you can also use lemon juice. Squeeze lemon juice in a bowl and dip the cotton ball in it. Apply it to the tags and repeat the same procedure as you did for onion juice.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is the most effective and widely used plant due to its ability to cure most of the skin diseases. You can apply Aloe Vera gel on the skin tag in case you experience any pain.
It is recommended that Aloe Vera gel should be applied and massaged onto the skin every day. This will help in healing the skin tag and prevent the recurrence of the tag. You can also apply aloe vera lotion which is available at your local chemist.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.