How To Lose Weight With Yoga


People try various diets and exercises which may cause temporary weight loss, but may not be good for health. Exercises are the only way to bring about weight loss. The diets may help you in bringing about weight loss, but the weight loss by diets is often temporary and sudden which is not good for health. Exercises may help you to bring about weight loss too, but a lot of efforts are required. The best way to cause weight loss is gradually, through Yoga.

Yoga is one of the most beneficial physical as well as mental exercises that you can practice to get rid of excessive weight. Practicing yoga will not only help you to have a healthy weight loss but will also keep you in a cheerful mood all throughout the day. All you have to do is to start your day with few Yoga exercises. Here, we are going to take a look at what kind of Yoga exercises when practiced can help you to lose weight.

You will be happy to know that weight loss is not the only thing Yoga can do, but it can also help you maintain stable weight. It’s a strength building exercise form which can also help you to maintain suppleness. But it is wise to remember that you will have to increase your hear rate to bring about weight. An increased heart rate burns energy which can help you melt fat in your body. Therefore, to cause weight loss you have to perform a form of Yoga which can increase your metabolism and at least for 90 minutes thrice a week. Yoga also tones up body uniformly.

Practicing Pranayam before the Asanas can bring about the weight loss quicker. Pranayama are breathing exercises supposed to be before starting Yogasanas.

There are seven types of Pranayams that you can practice. The most common Pranayams are mentioned below:

Ujjayi Pranayama

This type of pranayama helps you to increase your concentration and helps you to focus on your breathing.

Nadi Sodhana Pranayama

This is the most common pranayama which includes breathing from alternate nostril. It helps you to focus on your breathing, calms your mind and also helps in reducing stress thereby keeping weight gain at bay.

Bhramari Pranayama

Also known as the bee breath, it soothes your nerves and calms down your mind.

Sit Cari Pranayama

This involves hissing breath which cools down your body and reduces stress.

Shitali Pranayama

This type of pranayama when practiced helps to cool down your breath and in turn your body and keeps you away from stress and anxiety which are the major reasons behind people putting on weight.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

This is the most important pranayama for weight loss which includes exhaling and inhaling forcefully as well as making inward and outward movements of the abdomen.

Bhastrika Pranayama

This type of pranayama helps to increase your resistance power and keep diseases away from your body. It involves breathing and filling the lungs with air and exhaling with a hissing sound.

Alom Vilom Pranayama

This Pranayama is very much similar to the nadi sadhana pranayama as it involves breathing from alternate nostrils. It aids weight loss and also keeps you away from getting infected with other diseases.

It is not important that you practice all of these yoga pranayama for weight loss. You can skip some one or two types, but it is recommended that you do not skip Kapalbhati Pranayam, Bhastrika Pranayam and Alom Vilom Pranayam, as these three can help you lose weight.

Practicing these three exercises for one hour everyday can bring about a weight loss of 12 kilograms a month. In addition to these three pranayams also practice the Kapalbhati pranayam properly for 10 minutes. Then move on to Bhastrika pranayam and repeat it up to 12 to 15 times. Then move on to practice the Alom Vilom for 10 minutes.

After finishing the Pranayamas, select five yoga postures you like. Select only the postures which you are comfortable doing. Avoid practising difficult postures as they may cause injuries. Do the Pranayam and yoga for a week and see your progress you will surely have lost about four kilograms.

>Bikram yoga

This is another type of Yoga which can bring about weight loss. Celebrities prefer practising the Bikram yogasana as it can burn a lot of calories. If you do Bikram yoga you will get an aerobic as well as cardiovascular workout. Bikram yoga provides you with a vigorous workout thus increasing your heart-rate and burning a lot of calories. Bikram yoga also reduces your stress levels and improves your patience, self-control and concentration.

Ashtanga yoga

This is another type of yoga which involves synchronizing our breathing with a series of complicated postures. Ashtanga asana can cause weight loss, increase strength in the body and make our mind clear.

Along with Bikram yoga and Ashtanga yoga you can also practise power yoga. Power yoga includes various cardiovascular exercises which increases your metabolism and increases strength and flexibility of the body. It is a vigorous approach to Vinyasa style of Yoga.

These were some of the basic ways through which you can use Yoga for weight loss. When you are trying to achieve weight loss through yoga it is necessary that you use your mental as well as your spiritual side. It is also essential that you change your mindset and feel better about how you look and how you behave.

You can’t just practice yoga and then eat all the wrong things and expect to lose weight. If you do so then you will be able to lose weight but will not be able to keep it off for long. This means that you will again a lot of weight if you follow all the wrong eating habits and follow an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking or drinking.

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