Categories: How To

How To Prevent Asthma


Asthma is a chronic lung disease in which the airways become inflamed. Due to the inflammation the airways become narrow as a result of which the patient is unable to breathe properly and experiences chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. The coughing becomes more intense at night and in the early morning.

Certain things like air pollution, allergies, cold air, sinusitis, smoke and viral infections can trigger asthma attacks. The airways react to these inhaled substances and swell aggressively. The muscles around them also tighten and further constrict the airways. The mucus membranes begin producing more mucus which accumulates in the airways and allows very little air to reach the lungs. Many children as well as adults suffer from asthma all over the world. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and go away on their own but often the symptoms get more intense and lead to an asthma attack. It is important to treat the symptoms as soon as you notice them to prevent an asthma attack.

Best Ways To Prevent Asthma


In order to prevent asthma, you must take amla round the year. Amla has a huge store of medicinal values which keep all the bodily functions intact and in good functioning order.

They also scavenge all the harmful free radicals and expel them from the body. Amla also strengthens the immune system and enables it to function optimally. Swallow one teaspoon of amla powder with a glass of water every morning.

Alternative Treatments For Asthma
How To Get Rid Of Asthma


Ginger can also prevent asthma and keep you free from diseases and infections. Its powerful antioxidant properties not only detoxify the body and support the function of all its organs but it also boosts immunity and enables the body to fend off all types of infections.

Boil one cup of water and add a piece of pounded ginger to it. Simmer for a while then turn off the heat. After ten minutes strain the tea and drink three cups of it daily.

Quit Smoking

You must avoid smoke to prevent asthma. Do not expose yourself to smoke from fireworks, tobacco, incense, candles and fires. Avoid public places that permit smoking and do not allow anyone to smoke in your car or home.

Avoid Catching a Cold

You must avoid close contact with people who are suffering from a cold or flu. These ailments are very contagious and can be easily transmitted to another person by direct contact. Wash your hands with soap and water after touching objects that may have been handled by infected people. You must also not share cups, spoons, glasses or other personal items with infected persons. Wear a face mask if you have to go near someone who is suffering from a respiratory infection.


Include garlic in your daily diet to prevent viral infections and asthma. Viral infections can trigger asthma attacks and complicate the disease.

Viral infections also intensify the symptoms and worsen the condition. Garlic will not only increase your immunity against all kinds of infections but it will also prevent swelling and inhibit the production of too much mucus.

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