Categories: How To

How To Prevent Heart Disease


Heart disease comprises of cardiovascular diseases and disorders like congenital heart defects, heart infections, diseases of the blood vessels, coronary artery disease, blockage of the valves, etc. The preliminary symptoms of heart diseases are chest pain and shortness of breath. If these symptoms are frequent, it is very important to go for a proper diagnosis.

Doctors usually recommend a test called the electrocardiogram(ECG or EKG), which measures the electrical activity of the heart. It also accesses the flow of blood to the various parts of the heart muscle. Other essential tests that may be required are chest X-Ray, stress test, echocardiogram, CT Heart Scan, heart MRI, etc.

Early diagnosis and treatment are very important to maintain a healthy heart. Ignoring the symptoms and delaying its treatment will only complicate the disease. However, apart from medical treatment, it is also important to be careful regarding food, eating habits and lifestyle.

Healthy Ways To A Healthy Heart

Quit Addiction

Heart disease and addiction cannot go hand in hand. Smoking of cigarettes not only causes breathing problems and heart diseases, it is also injurious to the heart, and it increases the risks of heart attacks and heart diseases.

Unfortunately, it is harmful for not only for the person who smokes, but also the people who are around, especially children. Drinking alcohol is another form of addiction that increases the risk of heart disease. It may weaken the heart muscle, make the heart enlarged and raise the blood pressure in the body.

Weight Management

Obesity or accumulation of excess fats in the body due to intake of more calories than that can be used up increases the cholesterol level, which may result in serious heart diseases.

Moreover, excess fats in the body may also result in fats accumulating around the vital organs of the body like the heart, lungs, kidney, etc. Therefore, in order to avoid any heart disease, it is very important to keep the body weight under control. This can be made possible through exercise, eating a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

Lower The Cholesterol Level

Cholesterol are of two types, one which is produced by the body naturally and the other that we get from the food we eat. They can again be good and bad. HDL is the good cholesterol which prevents bad cholesterol or LDL from accumulating on the walls of the artery.

We can induce our body to produce more HDL by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, lots of exercise, following a balanced diet of vital nutrients and cutting down on trans fat. The level of LDL cholesterol should be reduced as it can cause the clogging of arteries, which can invite heart diseases.

Adequate Exercise

At least thirty minutes of exercise, five days a week is very essential to maintain a good and healthy heart. Exercise regulates the blood pressure, increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol, improves circulation and prevents the clotting of blood which mainly causes heart attacks and builds muscle mass. It also helps in maintaining the normal body weight and reduce stress.


Flaxseed helps in removing the risks of heart disease and stroke. It is a blend of lignans, dietary fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids which works together for a healthy heart.

 Flaxseed should be taken in grinded form and in moderation(not more than a teaspoon), along with a lot of water, which would otherwise cause side effects like constipation and intestinal blockage. It can also be mixed with other food like wholegrains, porridge or salads.


Wholegrains, unlike refines grains, consist of the entire grain i.e. the bran, germ and endosperm. Wholegrains like wheat flour, oatmeal, brown rice, etc help us maintain a healthy heart. These wholegrains are a rich source of dietary fiber, a much needed ingredient to maintain not only a healthy heart, but also to maintain sound body health. It lowers the risks of heart diseases by reducing the cholesterol level in the blood. Besides, it also consists of other vital nutrients like iron, magnesium, folic acid and B vitamins.

The requirement or servings of wholegrain largely depends upon the factors like age, gender and calorie needs of a person. On an average, 25 gms of wholegrain rounds up for a standard diet.

Regulate Blood Pressure

Heart diseases like coronary heart disease can be caused due to high blood pressure. High blood pressure puts additional force against the artery walls, which may injure the arteries and make them vulnerable to accumulation of fatty deposits on the artery walls and make them narrower.

People with high blood pressure are more prone to heart attacks and strokes. It is very essential for them to monitor the blood pressure regularly, go for a low salt(sodium) diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle and live a stress free life.

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