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High cholesterol has become one of the major health problems nowadays. It creates room for heart problems and many other chronic ailments as well. Cholesterol is basically lipid that is produced by liver that maintains and builds cell membranes as well as regulates cell membrane permeability and production of hormones.
It forms lipoprotein molecules that are compound of lipid and protein. Lipoprotein prevents fat from diluting in the blood that reduces possibility of artery blocking. Cholesterol is generally known as bad cholesterol, LDL (low density cholesterol) that increases health problems, particularly heart ailments and good cholesterol, HDL (high density cholesterol) that helps in removing fats out of the body easily.
Best Ways To Prevent High Cholesterol
Garlic is one of the best herbal ways to prevent high cholesterol as it possesses wonderful anti-viral, antibacterial properties. Being a great source of vitamin A, B and B2, protein, zinc, potassium, calcium and various powerful enzymes, it plays vital role in preventing high cholesterol lowering LDL cholesterol. As per scientific researches, it can reduce LDL cholesterol level 9-15% in condition of regular intake.
You can add it to your daily regimen to prevent high cholesterol. Just chew 2 peeled cloves of garlic and swallow on an empty stomach every morning. It will maintain your cholesterol level. However, some people have allergy from garlic and if you are one of them, then avoid taking it.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is effective in stabilizing cholesterol level due to presence of mono unsaturated fats and vitamin E. It controls blood sugar level and high blood pressure as well. Monounsaturated fats help raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol that reduce possibility of heart problems.
Hence, it works best in preventing high cholesterol. You can consume it in salad as topical dressing and it can be used as cooking oil for preparing healthy and nutritious food.
Lentil is full of Fiber, protein, vitamins and lots of nutritional minerals that make it very special in concern of health benefits.
It is effective way to prevent high cholesterol naturally as its soluble fiber helps in reduction of high cholesterol and promotes proper cleaning of arteries as well. You can easily consume lentil as it is not only perfect option for ensuring good health and heart but also have a wonderful taste.
Oatmeal has high content of dietary fibers, especially water soluble fiber, beta-glucan that is gummy substance that helps in keeping intestines clean curing constipation that helps in inhibiting absorption of bad cholesterol in the blood.
It has been proved through many researches that oatmeal is one of the best ways to treat high cholesterol if consumed on regular basis. A Healthy person requires 3 gm of beta-glucan per day and 1 cup cooked oatmeal or 2 slices of oatmeal bread is sufficient for fulfilling this amount.
Dry Fruits
Dry fruits are best options to prevent high cholesterol as it contain amazing fibers, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids that are helpful in lowering high cholesterol. Dry fruits lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise level of Good cholesterol (HDL) that further help reduce high cholesterol.
Walnut, almond and pistachio are best examples of such qualities. Regular intake of these nuts will help you in keeping high cholesterol at bay. Almonds would work great if you soak them in water for overnight before taking them.
Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are great source of polyunsaturated fats like alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), essential omega-3 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acids that help in preventing high cholesterol. It is high in fiber and contains vitamin B6, protein, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium also.
Flax seeds reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as help in reduction of build-up process of fat in arteries that cause serious heart problems. Thus, it is perfection option to lower high cholesterol and keep it balanced.
Fish is one of the good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and that is why it is perfect way to combat high cholesterol easily. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce level of bad cholesterol in the body and provide protection from several heart diseases as well.
Tuna, salmon, trout and sardines are best omega-3 fatty acids rich fishes that can help you lower high cholesterol significantly. Apart from them, other fishes are also good for heart.
Fenugreek is an amazing herb that contains beneficial medicinal properties. It contains steroidal saponins that inhibit absorption and production of LDL cholesterol in the body. Along with it has mucilaginous fiber that is found in coating of fenugreek seeds in form of gummy substance.
It reduces LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as controls total cholesterol in the body. Fenugreek seeds and leaves are equally beneficial for lowering high cholesterol.
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