Categories: How To

How To Prevent Swine Flu


Swine flu which is also popularly known as the H1N1 has been of real concern among many people over the last few years. It is a very infectious disease that spreads from person to person really fast.

The symptoms of swine flu are very similar to that of influenza that is it occurs with high fever accompanied by cough, nasal secretions, acute headache and tremendous weakness due to which you are unable to perform you regular activities. Sometimes there is also a tendency of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, sore throat, watery eyes and severe pains at the joints and muscles in case of acute swine flu.

Swine flu can become very severe if proper treatment is not followed. Rather like any other diseases it is better to prevent swine flu than to cure it. If you follow certain simple effective ways then you can easily prevent swine flu to a great extent.

Effective Tips To Prevent Swine Flu

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands regularly with sanitizers and hot water for at least 20 seconds in order to prevent swine flu. Swine flu can easily be contracted or acquired by touching objects that are contaminated by the virus so it is very important that your hands are always clean so that the chances of getting infected reduces.

 You should always carry a small bottle of the sanitizer in your bag so that you can use it at regular intervals. Keeping your hands clean and virus free prevents swine flu to a great extent.

Cover Your Mouth With Tissues Or Napkins

It is always best to cover your mouth with either tissues or napkins while coughing or sneezing in order to prevent swine flu. The tissues or napkins trap the germs so that they are unable to spread.

Remember that swine flu is an infectious disease so it is best to avoid touching and rubbing your face, nose and mouth too often with your hands instead use napkins or tissues so that it reduces the chances of infection.

Good Sleep

In order to empower your immune system to prevent swine flu it is very important that you should have very good sound sleep every night.

A good sleep keeps your body healthy and also keeps your immune system active as a result viruses are prevented from entering your body. Ensure you have 8 hours of sleep every night to keep your immune system active.

Avoid Closed Ill Ventilated Public Gatherings

If swine flu is prevalent in your area then it is best to avoid closed ill ventilated public gatherings as the chances of acquiring the disease is greatest in such places. Avoid places which have poor circulation of air because if you are inhaling the infected air then the chances of acquiring the disease become higher.

Try and meet in open spaces where there is fresh air to breathe. When there is an epidemic of this disease it is best to avoid such closed gathering and best to be at home so that you can prevent the disease to a great extent.

Raw Garlic

Eat every day 2-5 cloves of raw garlic in order to prevent swine flu. If you eat raw garlic every morning then it significantly boosts your immune system and protects your body from swine flu viruses.

Raw garlic is considered the simplest and the most effective form of remedy to prevent swine flu.


Taking swine flu prevention vaccines are very effective for both children as well as adults in order to prevent swine flu. These vaccines are made from killed H1N1 virus which produces antibodies to fight the infection.

The vaccines are available either as nasal spray or in the form of injections. These vaccines act as one of the best methods to prevent swine flu.

Vitamin C

Take plenty of vitamin C in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables as it significantly boosts your immune system and protects your body from the swine flu viruses. Vitamin C is so effective that it boosts your immune system and rapidly destroys the virus before it gets time to spread. Make sure you have some form of vitamin C daily in order to prevent swine flu.

Eat well, try to lead a healthy and a hygenic life and follow these important steps and take proper and effective precautionary measures in order to prevent swine flu to a great extent.

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