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5 Best Ways For Acne Treatment


There are oil glands in the skin which secrete natural oil to protect the skin and to keep it well moisturized. When these oil glands, known as sebaceous glands produce an overabundance of oil, known as sebum, they block the pores of the skin. Dead skin cells dirt and grime also accumulate in the pores and clog them.

This leads to inflammation of the skin and causes acne and pimples acne is dreaded by all as it disfigures the face and makes it unsightly. You have to be extra careful to keep the pores thoroughly clean so that your skin can breathe normally. Acne can be caused due to undue stress, hormonal imbalances in the body, pregnancy and oral contraceptives.

Various Tips To Treat  Acne

Curd And Besan

Besan and curd are natural cleansing and toning agents. Take a teaspoon of curd and mix some besan with it to form a paste. Apply the paste all over your face and neck and let it dry. Rub off the paste with a firm and gentle hand. All the dirt and grime will come off with the paste leaving your skin soft and smooth.

Besan will also absorb all the excess oil and will have a drying effect on the oily skin. Curd and besan will also eliminate the necessity of using commercial soaps and face washes which tend to aggravate acne.


Rub a piece of the papaya fruit on your face for five minutes. Leave it to dry then rinse it off with water.

Papaya is the most natural toner. It will clean the clogged pores as well as tighten them. Use it, once or twice daily and your acne will disappear altogether.

Whole Wheat Flour

Take two teaspoons of coarse whole wheat flour and add enough milk to it to form a thick paste. Mix a good pinch of turmeric powder with it and lather the paste well, all over your face. Keep for ten minutes after which wash off with warm water.

The flour will absorb all the extra oil, cleanse the skin and will get rid of the dead skin cells that clog the pores. Milk will keep your skin soft and springy throughout the day. Use this remedy twice a day to clean your face well and thoroughly.

Jau And Methi Seeds

Grind some jau into a fine powder. Grind some methi seeds separately. Mix two teaspoons of jau powder with half a teaspoon of methi seeds powder and one teaspoon of rosewater.

Mix enough milk to form a paste. Using your fingertips, massage this paste into your skin for five to ten minutes then rinse your face with warm water. Jau will absorb all the oil, dirt and dust and will clean the pores thoroughly. Methi will have a healing effect on the acne.


Rub cucumber slices three or four times onto your face. The astringent and cleansing properties of cucumber will cleanse the skin thoroughly and tighten the pores.

It will also heal and soothe the inflamed skin and get rid of the acne quickly.

View Comments

  • I have cystic acne and I have tried all kinds of remedies: herbal, OTC, mixed products, etc. I have found that dermalmd serum works the best. I put it on before bed and see a big improvement with bumps and redness by the morning. I would absolutely recommend this product.

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