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7 Best Ways To Treat Constipation


Constipation is a common issue which is faced by people of all ages and is quite troublesome in nature. This problem refers to a state where the individual faces a difficulty in passing stool and it is highly infrequent in nature for example about thrice a week. This problem takes place in the digestive tract of a person, where there is high extraction of water by the colon and the motion of the food is quite held back. The slow movement of the food causes the extraction to take place in a higher rate and this makes the waste hard. Due to constipation, the defecation becomes very painful and the discharge gets stiffened. Due to the stiffening and reduction in size the passage of such a waste becomes difficult.

A poor and an improper diet, imbalance in the hormones, drugs etc can be added to the causes of such a problem and due to this an individual tends to go through loads of problems like bad odor from the mouth, ulcers, arthritis, acne, bloating of the stomach, discomfort and uneasiness etc. If the symptom is of an acute nature it can be mended and if it turns out to be severe, proper research can be made and a remedy can be availed. The degree of constipation varies from an individual to individual depending upon the severity of the problem. There are various homemade remedies one can adopt without much time, expense and effort to overcome such problems.

Various Ways To Treat Constipation

Healthy And A Balanced Diet

The consumption of fresh juicy fruits and green leafy vegetables should be done in abundance and the fiber intake should be increased in the diet. Intake of hot and spicy foods, fried food, sugary and jaggery products should be all reduced to avoid the intake of carbohydrates and fats.

The fiber taken in cannot be broken down by the enzymes in the hemoglobin and therefore extraction of it is not possible. Since there is no extraction, the fiber stays back and helps in making the stool soft. Intake of foods enriched with fiber like beans, potatoes, apricots, broccoli, green peas and raspberries should be increased. About forty grams of whole wheat and fiber should be taken in.

Olive Oil

The oil extracted from olives is highly beneficial, healthy and helps in reduction of constipation. The structure and the quality of olive oil are recommended to attain a faster recovery. The digestive tract of the system is stimulated through a proper consumption of olive oil.

By the stimulation caused, the movement of food becomes very easy and the symptoms of constipation tend to get reduced. The intake of olive oil along with citrus juice should be made in the wee hours of the dawn before taking in anything.

Citrus Juice

The foods enriched with vitamin C or citric acid helps in overcoming constipation to a great extent. The juice of lemon which is high in citric acid creates a trigger of stimulation in the digestive tract and it even helps in getting away with the toxic substances built against the boundaries of colon from the system.

A fresh lemon squeezed in a glass of warm water should be sipped on a routine basis to get a faster recovery. The fruit orange which is high in vitamin C should be consumed each day preferably since it’s high in fiber content.

Having Good Amounts Of Water

One of the major reasons for the constipation taking place is lack of intake of water. Having good amounts of water can treat such a symptom to a great extent and an individual tends to get relief very fast. About ten liters of water or ten glasses of water can be very helpful in such a situation.

To attain a good result, the water kept in the vessel made out of copper should be taken in the dawn since it helps in the regulation and functioning of the organs well. The high intake of water causes the passage of stool to take place and fresh juices are also very beneficial.

Wonders Of Molasses

Molasses, the residue obtained from the crushing of sugarcanes proves to be one of the best laxatives in treating constipation since it contains good amounts of vitamins and other essential minerals.

To overcome constipation two to three tablespoons of molasses should be taken before a sleep or if the taste is not appreciated by the person, it can be even consumed along with a fruit juice or water. Another alternative to consume molasses is along with peanut butter but as a routine, eating of molasses is not preferred since it contains good calories.

Reduced Intake Of Coffee

Many people have a habit of sipping coffee as the first thing in the morning and is considered one of the remedies to overcome constipation. The caffeine present in the coffee helps in acting as a stimulator to the digestive tract, fastening the process of movement of stool.

About one to two cups of coffee should be taken in and excess of it might create a reverse effect. Coffee if overtaken creates an extraction of water and makes a person urinate at frequent periods. Coffee should be consumed in recommended amounts since it helps in making the stool loose.

Consequences Of Exercising

Exercising is one of the best treatments for any kind of ailments faced by an individual. To keep a proper regulation and functioning of organs, the body too should be moved on a routine basis. The structure of work life today does not involve too much of movement of the body and the changes in eating habits increases the risk of constipation to a great extent.

A little bit of exercising keeps a body on track and the ailments are kept away from. A proper walk or exercise for about half an hour thrice a week can help in attaining fitness and after a large meal, exercises should be abstained from for an hour. Few specific stretches and postures can be adopted to attain a faster recovery from constipation.

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