How To Treat Corns

CornsHuman foot is very well known example of sophisticated natural engineering design that can withstand lots of wear and tear, enabling us to use it vigorously, every now and then. But, at times excess friction and pressure may result in formation of thickened and dead skin layer on/under the foot known as corns and calluses. The main role of these corns and calluses is protective that actually shields the sensitive areas of the foot from damage. 

Hard corns are formed on outer sides or tops of little toes, where it rubs against the shoe. Soft corns are rubbery and moist that usually develops between toes, when bone of one toe exerts pressure on the bone portion of adjacent toe. Corns are cone shaped and painful, when tip of corns hit the underneath tissues. On the other hand, calluses are formed over a flat region like ball or heel areas, mainly when padding beneath the foot thins down naturally with age. It may cause burning, aching or tenderness, but usually does not cause any sharp pain.

Effective Solutions For Treating Corns

Trim Away The Cause

Toenails serve as protection to toes from injury, but pressure of a shoe over toenail for long period can cause the toe joint to get pressed, resulting in corns.

Trimming Toe Nail

By trimming toe nails and keeping them within the tip surface of toe, one can take off the pressure over the toe joint and save one from scotching pain due to penetrating corn.

Soak Foot In Epsom Salts

For immediate relief from the shooting pain of corn, one should soak the affected feet in mixture of warm water and Epsom salts, for several minutes. Then pat dry and apply moisturizing cream and cover the foot with a plastic bag, keeping it there for several hours, while indulging in activities like reading or watching television.

Soak Foot

After removing the bag, rub through the corn in a gentle sideways motion, using a pumice stone. This will provide an immediate but temporary relief from the pain.

Rubbing Off With A Pumice Stone

Pumice stone is a rough segment of volcanic mineral that is used to rub over callus or corns to remove the dead skin cells. After a warm shower bath, rub the affected foot region with pumice stone. Avoid being too harsh in desire to remove all in one go.

Pumice Stone

Make sure to soften the area first every day with a lotion after the bath and then gently try removing it as part of daily routine. Slowly and steadily, it will all shed off, making one corn or callus free. Never cut corns as that can be an infectious thing and may result in extensive bleeding.

Use Castor Oil

Apply castor oil over the corn area with help of a corn pad (non medicated doughnut shaped pads). Place the corn pad around the corn, after putting a few drops of castor oil into the corn with help of a swab and then stick it over with an adhesive tape to hold it in position.

Castor Oil

The castor oil serve as a softener and the corn pad shields the area from pressure, holding on the moisturizing castor oil from dripping away. Then wear socks over the foot and keep them covered for several hours.

Select The Right Footwear

Corn and calluses tend to fade away when the friction and rubbing that caused them are eliminated. This can be done by choosing cushioned, well fitted shoes and choosing socks made of blend of cotton and polyester, which takes away the moisture, formed due to sweating better than the usual cotton socks.

Padding The Corns Or Calluses

Shielding the corns and calluses is another effective way of overcoming discomfort due to them. This shifts the pressure from shoe to a spot that is pain free rather than directly putting it over the corn areas.

Padding the corns

The available non medicated corn pads are bigger than the corn area, thereby protecting from pressure of the shoes from all directions.

Reduce Friction From Toes

Petroleum jelly

For those, who need to be involved in extensive walking or running schedules, toes need to be coated with petroleum jelly to minimize the friction affect on them due to footwear or shoes during vigorous running or walking process. Petroleum jelly helps to keep them moistened and soft that aid in reducing the pressure over toe bone.

Separate Out The Toes

To treat soft corns that are formed between the toes, separate out the toes with help of cotton or lamb’s wool. This will prevent pressure over the toe bone and overcome the discomfort. Even the small felt pad usually used for hard corns, can be used for relieving soft corns too.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.

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