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5 Ways To Treat Cystic Acne


Cystic acne can affect anyone but it is most commonly seen in teenage boys and young men. Deep and inflamed breakouts of acne develop on the face and other areas of the body especially the back and the chest. The acne turns into nodules and cysts which can grow quite large and measure up to several centimeters across. The cysts are very painful and form deep within the skin and take a very long time to heal. They feel like soft lumps filled with fluid, underneath the skin. Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne and it usually runs into families.

It is mainly caused by overactive sebaceous glands, excess dead skin cells within the hair follicle and a large number of acne causing bacteria. The wall of the hair follicle ruptures and infected material leaks into the dermis. If the rupture is near the skin’s surface then the blemishes are minor and heal rapidly but if the break in the hair follicle is deeper and the contaminated material affects the adjoining follicles then it results into more serious and widespread lesions.

Ways To Treat Cystic Acne

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

It is essential to maintain a healthy and consistent supply of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system to combat the bad bacteria which are a major cause of cystic acne.

A poorly functioning digestive system can cause serious health problems including skin disorders like acne. Mix two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it twice daily. You can also eat a cup of homemade curd with every meal.


Amla is a great blood purifier and has the ability to repair and regenerate the damaged skin cells and tissue and keep the skin in a healthy condition. You should take one teaspoon of amla powder with a glass of water every morning on a regular basis.

Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass is full of valuable nutrients and contains powerful antioxidants which remove all the toxins and other impurities including pathogens from the body and detoxify it thoroughly.

Wheatgrass also contains certain enzymes which aid digestion and repair and regenerate the damaged tissue in the skin. Take a handful of fresh wheatgrass and blend it in a mixer grinder with a little water. Strain the mass and extract the juice. Drink a glass of this juice every morning on an empty stomach.

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Fish Oil

Fish oil has huge reserves of omega 3 fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid which cleanse the skin from deep within and help to repair the damaged collagen. These substances also have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which purify the blood and prevent inflammation of the skin tissue and fight cystic acne. Take one capsule of fish oil twice daily.


Turmeric has a plethora of medicinal values which help to cure a wide range of diseases and disorders. The compound curcumin found in turmeric has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which inhibit the secretion of inflammatory chemicals known as leukotrienes which cause cystic acne. Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of hot milk twice daily.

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