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6 Ways To Treat Pityriasis Rosea Naturally


Pityriasis Rosea is a viral infection that starts at the stomach and spreads to other areas of the body, especially the neck, torso, thighs and arms. The rashes or patches are pink and are fortunately not painful, though some people have reported intense itch on the skin.

Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for pityriasis rosea and the symptoms can only be suppressed through antibiotics.

Pityriasis normally lasts for about a month or more than that. It can however be controlled and removed through certain natural methods. The condition doesn’t cause much of a problem to the sufferer, as it is more of a cosmetic issue.

Natural Treatments For Pityriasis Rosea

Calamine Lotion

If there is itching on the skin, the best and easiest way to control the itching on the skin without going on a scratching spree is to apply calamine lotion generously over the area. Allow the lotion to dry and leave it on until the itching subsides.

Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal is high in vitamin C and can help rejuvenate the skin and stop dryness and itching. Empty two cups of oatmeal into a tub which is filled with warm water. Soak for twenty minutes in the water and wipe dry with a cotton towel. This can be done before you go to sleep and once more when you wake up to control the itching and discomfort throughout the day.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are known to help in all kinds of infections. Increase the intake of food that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Flax seeds can be chewed upon for this purpose.

Omega 3 fatty acids that contain the compounds EPA and DHA like fish oil are especially good for treating pityriasis rosea. Cod liver oil capsules can be taken two to three times a day. Take the capsules until the condition subsides completely which might take a few weeks.

Lavender Oil and Safflower Oil

When the itching becomes uncontrollable which in some cases it will be, mix 5 drops of lavender oil and two drops of safflower oil and apply on the affected patches of skin. The oil can be applied three to four times throughout the day to keep the itching under control. Continue application till the condition cures completely.

Zinc Oxide

Creams that contain zinc oxide and hydrocortisone helps in controlling pityriasis rosea. Baby creams that are used for treating diaper rashes in babies contain abundant zinc oxide and can be tried on the patches of skin. These creams are completely safe and can be used until the symptoms subside.


Antihistamines can help in controlling the itching and discomfort caused in pityriasis rosea. Antihistamines are available in chemical stores for topical application. One can also think of using vitamin C which is also a powerful antihistamine of sorts and can help in improving the immunity as well so that the symptoms subside faster than the stipulated time.


When you have skin infections that are unusual, it is always better to consult a skin specialist first to rule out any possibility of complications before starting natural treatment methods.

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