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6 Ways To Treat Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are white or silvery fine lines that usually appear on the skin of abdominal area, thighs, buttocks, breasts and upper arms. Stretch marks are also known as striae in dermatology. When skin is stretched beyond its elasticity or flexibility, production of collagen gets affected that causes formation of stretch marks in the middle layer of skin eventually. Over the time, these stretch marks become visible on the top layer of skin.

Usually, most of the women have to face stretch marks due to pregnancy. Along with rapid weight gain or loss, puberty, heredity, rapid growth and stress are some other common responsible causes for stretch marks. Stretch marks are not harmful when it comes to health but make one feel insecure and self-conscious about appearance. There are some natural ways that can surely help you in treating stretch marks if you show enough patience as they take time to work and show significant results. Just take a look on these under mentioned easy ways to treat stretch marks well without any side affect.

6 Ways To Treat Stretch Marks

Olive Oil Massage

Olive oil contains vitamin A, D and E, antioxidants with amazing skin rejuvenating and moisturizing properties. It heals damaged skin and moisturizes it deeply that helps in eliminating stretch marks effectively.

Just take some pure olive oil and warm it. Then massage with warm olive oil on all over the affected area in circular motions till it gets absorbed in the skin completely. Olive oil massage improves blood circulation that is necessary for skin rejuvenation and reduction of stretch marks. Another helpful remedy is mixing some vinegar and water with olive oil and applying on stretch marks before bed as a night cream.

Apply Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is an edible fat that is world famous for its wonderful antioxidants, emollient and moisturizing properties. It is used in preparation of chocolate, cosmetics, skin care products and pharmaceuticals as well. Its moisturizing ability makes it perfect cure for stretch marks as it moisturizes skin deeply and helps in regaining lost moisture too.

Just apply cocoa butter on your stretch marks twice a day regularly. Follow this regimen strictly and within 4-6 weeks you will notice significant change in visibility of stretch marks. It treats stretch marks keeping skin soft and smooth effectively.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera possesses beneficial medicinal properties and provides all round protection to the skin from various problems. It is full of vitamins A, B, C and E, antioxidants, soothing and healing properties. It plays major role in stimulating collagen production and cell proliferation as well as removes layer of dead skin cells.

Collect fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on the affected area evenly. Then rub it onto the skin in circular motions gently. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat it daily for better outcomes.

Fresh Potato Juice

Potato Juice is much effective in treating stretch marks due to presence of vitamins B6 and C and minerals. It works best on stretch marks as it promotes growth and restoration of skin as well. It mitigates stretch marks making them less visible.

Take some thick slices of potato and rub them gently on the stretch marks. It will leave juice on your skin. Let your skin soak it completely and leave to dry. Then rinse your skin with lukewarm water thoroughly. Repeat it twice a day for visible results.

Also Read

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks 
6 Effective Herbal Remedies For Stretch Marks 
Natural Cure For Stretch Marks 

Alfalfa Leaves

Alfalfa leaves are good source of vitamins E and K, protein, essential amino acids and anti-fungal properties that help diminish stretch marks effectively. Due to presence of anti-fungal properties it detoxifies skin well and heals marks effectively.

Add few drops of chamomile oil to alfalfa powder and prepare a smooth paste. Rub it onto the stretch marks. It will increase elasticity and improve texture of the skin. Repeat it thrice a day for early recovery and within one week you will notice improvement in stretch marks.

Egg White

Egg is well known as a great source of protein, minerals, vitamins and anti-aging properties. It has high content of retinol that retains elasticity of the skin and keeps it firm. Egg white contains proteins and amino acids that help in eliminating stretch marks effectively.

Break 2 eggs, separate egg white and yolk. Whip egg white with fork to form creamy paste. Clean the affected area with plain water and apply thick coat of this paste on the stretch marks. Leave it to dry. Then wash it off with water thoroughly. At last, apply olive oil on that area to moisturize skin deeply. Repeat it every day for minimum 2 weeks for positive result.

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