Categories: How To

How To Treat Thrush


Thrush also known as oropharyngeal candidiasis is caused by a fungus known as Candida. The fungus is normally present in the mouth and exists alongside the bacteria. When found in small numbers, these organisms cause no harm and the overgrowth of both these microbes is kept under check by the immune system and the healthy bacteria found in the body. The fungus is also present in the throat, digestive tract, vagina and the skin but live there quite harmlessly.

If due to some reasons, the immune system and the healthy bacteria are unable to perform their job of guarding the body against infections, then the fungus grows out of control and begins rampaging inside the mouth and throat causing such symptoms as white patches in the mouth, inner cheeks, back of throat and tongue. The outer edges of the lips begin to crack and the mouth feels very dry. The teeth too become sore and there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Thrush also causes bad breath and in severe cases it can cause fever, chills and difficulty in swallowing.

Ways To Treat Thrush


The first line of treatment is to strengthen the immune system and enhance its function so that it can eradicate the fungus and protect the body against all kinds of infections.

Amla also removes all the harmful free radicals from the body and detoxifies it thoroughly. Grate two amlas and soak them in glass of warm water for five minutes then drink the mixture without straining. Use this remedy every morning until you are free from the infection.

Drumstick Leaves

Drumstick leaves are full of valuable nutrients and possess powerful antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can easily destroy the yeast and cure the infection rapidly. Boil a few tender leaves of drumstick on a low flame in a glass of water for two minutes. Strain the decoction and gargle with it three or four times daily.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can cure a vast number of diseases and disorders because of its potent antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Remove the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf. Take a big piece of the gel and chew it slowly until the juice mixes well with saliva. Swirl the juice around your mouth for five minutes then spit it out. Use this remedy three times daily.

How To Get Rid Of Thrush
How To Prevent Thrush
Effective Natural Cure For Thrush


Boil four or five neem leaves in a glass of water for a few minutes. Strain the liquid and use it as a gargle. Rinse your mouth well with it for a few seconds before spitting it out. Use this remedy three or four times daily. You should also chew a three or four tender neem leaves for three days to get rid of the infection very quickly.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil has superb antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can take care of all kinds of infections and keep the gums and teeth very strong and healthy.

Take some mustard oil and with your clean index finger, apply it all over the white patches. Rub your gums and teeth too with it for five minutes then rinse your mouth with warm water. Use this remedy three times daily.

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