Categories: How To

How To Treat Tinnitus In 6 Easy Ways


Tinnitus is a condition where a person can hear sounds like ringing, whistling, buzzing, roaring etc. This could happen in one or sometimes both the ears. The cause can be a genetic factor or could be due to wax in the ears, constant exposure to loud sound or even hearing loss leading to aging.

Slowly as the severity of the condition grows, the pain in the ears also grows. It can reach an unbearable level if no action is taken. Here are some remedies for tinnitus:

Various Ways To Treat Tinnitus

Good Sleep

The most important thing to treat the condition of tinnitus is getting a sound sleep. Getting a sound sleep means trying to avoid the hitting sounds you hear due to your condition.

Try some soft soothing music, which can put you off to sleep. Any music that can drown the sounds created due to tinnitus is good music and will help you to relax.

Nose Drops

This is a long term solution, which takes some time to be effective. Prepare a nasal drop at home by mixing a pinch of table salt with 3 drops of glycerin and little water. Put 2-3 drops in each nostril every day. If this is used 3-4 times a day continuously for 3 months, it will reduce the ringing in the ears.

Healthy Food

Eating food rich with zinc, vitamin B complex, coenzyme Q10 and resvatrol can in the long run completely do away with the condition of tinnitus. For zinc one can have cereals, spinach, nuts and soybeans. For vitamin B complex one can have brown rice, oatmeal, barley, pasta etc.

For coenzyme one can eat soybeans, eggs, nuts and dairy products. For Resvatrol one can have red grapes, peanuts, and blueberries. Eat a lot of fresh pineapple everyday or have it in the form of juice without adding anything to this. If you choose to eat fresh pineapple, you must have atleast 2-3 slices three times a day.

Increase Blood Circulation

Increasing or boosting your blood circulation is one of the best ways to beat tinnitus. Eating dry fruits through the entire day with breaks of three to four hours helps to boost the blood circulation in your body.

Another way to boost blood circulation is to exercise every day. You can do walking, stretching or yoga.

Ear Drops

Homemade ear drops can be effective to deal with tinnitus. Take some fresh onions and squeeze out the juice from it. Then put two drops each in both the ears, follow-up this process three times a day for two weeks. It will eradicate the ringing sound in the ear. 

Another effective homemade ear drop is the extracted juice from the Maidenhair tree. Put a couple of drops in both the ears for two weeks and this will eradicate the ringing and buzzing sounds in the ear.


Use as much anti oxidant and anti inflammatory herbs in your diet as possible such as garlic, turmeric, ginger & green tea. Take 5-6 cloves of garlic, crush them and take it first thing in the morning.

You must also have green tea 2-3 times a day. Additionally use as much as turmeric and ginger as you can in your daily diet.

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