How To Use Blackstrap Molasses For Anemia


Deficiency of Iron in our body causes the problem of anemia. Due to this, the affected person suffers from tiredness, fatigue, pale skin and many other symptoms. The person feels very weak with low energy levels. Diet can help in fighting the problem of anemia quite well. Making some changes in our food habits is the key to solving this problem. Blackstrap molasses is a dark colored liquid full of nutrients. It is obtained after the sugar cane juice is converted to sugar. The juice is boiled to get sugar. The blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of this procedure. Its glycemic index is very less and the molasses contain high amounts of Iron. It contains folic acid and minerals like manganese and magnesium. It can help in reducing problems caused by anemia by increasing Iron in our body. We will explain the uses of this sugary product. Use the blackstrap molasses in any of the following ways.

Following Are Some Tips On How To Use Blackstrap Molasses For Anemia:

Use As Sweetener

Blackstrap molasses is a natural sweetener. You can use it instead of other sweeteners like sugar. Instead of adding white sugar to foods and drinks you take, you should use the blackstrap molasses.

Use As Sweetener

Use With Daily Foods

You can mix the blackstrap molasses with the daily foods you eat. Mix it with oatmeal and other types of breakfast cereals you eat. Add it to hot cereals instead of the regular sugar you usually take.

Use With Daily Foods

Use With Water

Take blackstrap molasses along with plain water. It will help in increasing Iron levels in the body thus providing relief in anemia. Mix the molasses with water and drink it. You can also mix it with hot water and consume it.

Use With Water

Use With Milk

Milk can help in reducing symptoms of anemia when taken along with blackstrap molasses. Heat milk and add the molasses to it. The amount of molasses should be one tablespoon and the amount of milk should be one cup. Mix well and consume the milk. Do this remedy one or two times daily. Pregnant women can get relief from anemia by doing this remedy. It is also suitable for nursing mothers.

Use With Milk

Use With Flavored Milk

Tea and coffee are drinks that we take daily. These drinks are not healthy. Instead of taking caffeinated drinks, you can prepare flavored milk by mixing the blackstrap molasses with almond milk. Some people like to add it to soy milk. In this way, you can make a healthy drink with the blackstrap molasses.

Use With Flavored Milk

Use With Yogurt

Apart from milk, you can take the blackstrap molasses with other dairy foods like yogurt. Add blackstrap molasses to a bowl of yogurt and eat it. Do this daily. Yogurt contains a lot of calcium and when it is combined with molasses, it helps in reducing problems caused by anemia. So take the molasses with yogurt.

Use With Yogurt

Use With Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C present in citrus fruits helps in absorbing Iron. Thus, you should eat the blackstrap molasses along with citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, strawberries, and tomatoes are some foods that contain Vitamin C. Take these foods with blackstrap molasses. You can take the molasses with the juice of citrus fruits.

Use With Citrus Fruits

Use With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acid and it provides relief in anemia when taken along with blackstrap molasses. For this remedy, you need about two spoons molasses. Mix it with vinegar. Add water and consume. The amount of vinegar should be two spoons and the amount of water should be one cup. Stir well, mix and drink.

Use With Apple Cider Vinegar

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.