Categories: How To

How To Use Garlic In The Treatment Of Hair Loss


Several ingredients have been used in the treatment of hair loss and garlic is one such natural ingredient which helps prevent hair loss. Garlic improves the circulation of blood to the scalp and helps in strengthening of the hair follicles. It also removes toxins from the scalp and helps in preventing hair loss. Garlic contains keratin which is an important part of hair. It has sulfur and other important components like vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium all of which contribute in making hair stronger and prevent hair loss. It has antimicrobial properties which help in keeping scalp infections away.

Mentioned Below Are Few Simple Ways Of Using Garlic In Order To Prevent Hair Loss:

Apply Raw Garlic

Take few garlic pods and crush them. Apply this garlic directly to the scalp and leave it for at least one hour and then wash hair with a mild shampoo. You can use the remedy once daily.

Use Of Garlic Juice

Take sufficient garlic cloves and peel them. Take a garlic press and squeeze out the garlic juice. Apply this juice to the hair and leave it for one hour. Wash hair with mild shampoo after one hour.

Use Of Coconut Oil And Garlic Juice Mixture

The coconut oil will nourish and moisturize the hair and its antibacterial properties will keep scalp infections away. Take few garlic pods and extract its juice using a garlic press. Add this garlic juice to one tablespoon of coconut oil and mix well. Massage scalp with this mixture and cover head with a cloth and leave it overnight. Wash hair next day in the morning.

Use Of Olive Oil And Garlic

Olive oil nourishes the hair and helps in keeping them strong and healthy. Peel a few pods of garlic and put it in a bottle containing olive oil. Let the mixture stand for one week so that the garlic gets infused into the olive oil. Massage scalp with this garlic infused olive oil and leave it overnight. Wash hair next day in the morning.

Garlic Hair Mask

You can use garlic to form a very effective hair mask. Extract the juice of garlic and to it add one tablespoon of honey. Mix well and keep it in the refrigerator. Now add chamomile tea to hot water and let it stand for few minutes. Strain the mixture .Remove the garlic and honey mixture from the refrigerator and add the chamomile tea and aloe vera gel to it and mix well to form a smooth mixture. Apply this hair mask to the hair and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash hair with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water. Use this remedy once in 15 days.

Thus use these simple methods to use garlic in the treatment of hair loss. You can also increase the intake of garlic in your diet.

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